Octopus Extreme 160 Question


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I am looking into getting an Octopus Extreme 160 skimmer, but am unsure if it will work in my setup. Under my tank, I have only room for something 11" wide x 25" tall. I know that all the websites say it is within these specs, but do you have to raise it in the sump any? I will have 10" of water in my sump, so should this suffice? If this is not the right skimmer, any recommendations? Thanks.
It will work, I have a reef octopus extreme 200 in 8" water and in a 12x12 area in my sump. They are great skimmers! Took a week to break in, but now I am emptying my cup every 3-4 days and have a high bioload 20+fish, mostly wrasses and gobies. I'd highly recommend it.
Thanks guys. I was just worried about the height clearance. From everything I have read, they are great skimmers.
the tube allows the water level in the skimmer to be raised or lowered.Its adjustable.