Odd flasher wrasse swimming behavior


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I noticed a few days ago my line-spot flasher wrasse swimming oddly. At first I didn't think much of it but yesterday I was doing a bit of maintenance and noticed it even more then today the same behavior. It's like he's just getting pushed around and not trying to swim. You'll notice it more towards the end of the video where his head is pointed downwards while hit tail is still up, kind of like a headstand then gets pushed with the current almost like a death spiral I've seen in dying fish. He also looks a bit bloated. I'm not sure if it's a swim bladder issue or something else. I've had the wrasse for about a year and never had any problems. He always eats well and continues to do so. My clowns completely ignore him as does the melanurus wrasse. Any ideas?

I would treat it with metro/focus for a week, if that don't work kanaplex/focus the next week, and last prazi
Thanks. I picked some metro and focus up today and moved him to the QT this evening. I'll start treating tomorrow, he looked pretty freaked out when I pulled him from the DT and is kind of floating at the top with his head upwards now.

Should I dose daily or what? I've never used either med before. I have to travel Monday morning to Thursday evening next week but I can teach my wife to dose for me if need be.
He's looking pretty rough this morning, I'm not sure if its from the stree of be caught last night but he made a mucus cocoon but is upright and his lower half is a different color from his top half.
I would treat food twice a day for 2 days, then as long as it ate follow the instructions from there on out. Put an airstone/pas in your QT.
Unfortunately he looks like he's on his last leg. He's very bloated, can hardly swim and laying on his side. I dosed metro so we'll see but he doesn't look like he'll be alive by the time I go to bed. :(
Thanks guys. He was alive when I went to sleep but unfortunately didn't make it through the night :(

Maybe Ralph or others can chime in and say what I could have done differently. He seemed to take a turn for the worse when I caught him to put him in QT and never seemed to recover after that. I was able to net him out pretty easily. After capture he never ate.

Also is there a way to prevent swim bladder problems? Is it diet related or just something that happens? I mainly feed NLS pellets and Ocean Nutrition flakes with different Rods food 1-2x a week. After searching, I found it to be something that happens to wrasses quite a bit.

No other fish in the DT are showing any symptoms or behaving any differently.
HiImSean;1009983 wrote: Thanks guys. He was alive when I went to sleep but unfortunately didn't make it through the night :(

Maybe Ralph or others can chime in and say what I could have done differently. He seemed to take a turn for the worse when I caught him to put him in QT and never seemed to recover after that. I was able to net him out pretty easily. After capture he never ate.

Also is there a way to prevent swim bladder problems? Is it diet related or just something that happens? I mainly feed NLS pellets and Ocean Nutrition flakes with different Rods food 1-2x a week. After searching, I found it to be something that happens to wrasses quite a bit.

No other fish in the DT are showing any symptoms or behaving any differently.

Sorry to hear that. Same thing happened to my flasher wrasse.
HiImSean;1009983 wrote: Thanks guys. He was alive when I went to sleep but unfortunately didn't make it through the night :(

Maybe Ralph or others can chime in and say what I could have done differently. He seemed to take a turn for the worse when I caught him to put him in QT and never seemed to recover after that. I was able to net him out pretty easily. After capture he never ate.

Also is there a way to prevent swim bladder problems? Is it diet related or just something that happens? I mainly feed NLS pellets and Ocean Nutrition flakes with different Rods food 1-2x a week. After searching, I found it to be something that happens to wrasses quite a bit.

No other fish in the DT are showing any symptoms or behaving any differently.


all those meds (generally speaking) can be given in the display, so I would have treated in the display as it was most likely not something that would spread, but without a pathogen test, who knows?

and I would have treated sooner...

other than that, that's it...