Odd looking bubble in Frogspawn


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When the lights go out and its tenticles retract a little bit, a pretty big bubble (water filled) is created in the tissue. I do not see this during the day, but I do notice that it drops little bits of tenticles periodically and is in the middle of a split form one head into two. Is this a normal occurence and if not, what the heck do i do to fix it? Thanks.
mine is doing that too.....i was also wondering what it was but i assumed it might be splitting though it hasnt yet.......
That frogspawn sure is cool, are they easy to care for and should I be able to keep it in a 24G AP with the dual 32W PCs?
Frogspawn is pretty easy to take care of and I you should be fine keeping it in the 24G AP.
Lol I'd like to EDIT that last post of mine, No you would not have enough light for frogspawn. I don't know what I was thinking...
yeah, I have mine about halfway up in a 20 gal with 150w HQI metal halide.
I agree 32w PCs probably isnt enough light. I have my frogspawn under 192w PC lighting and it is thriving ive fraged it twice in less then 6 months. Really great coral!
I don't know what coral you can keep? Thats 2.6 Watts Per Gallon...... The only think I could think of is maybe some mushrooms..
Sorry, my newness made me give an incomplete statement. I have two 32W dual PCs, white and actinic. So 64W over approx 20gallon in display area. I currently have two zenias and two red mushrooms that are doing well. Does that make a difference for the frogspawn?
It very much so does. Frogspawn is a LPS coral Large Polyp Stony Coral. LPS corals will need more light than mushrooms and Xenia. Xenia and Mushrooms are some of the "least" light needing corals. IMO I would stick with soft corals in your case.
Thanks guys! I appreciate all the comments. I'll do some research before deciding whether or not to give it a try. Sorry, zman676 didn't mean to hijack your thread.
Bud, I don't mean to be rude, but next time please start your own thread to ask stuff like this. I still have no idea whats going on with my frogspawn and attention has turned from my problem to yours. Thanks.
zman676;37126 wrote: Bud, I don't mean to be rude, but next time please start your own thread to ask stuff like this. I still have no idea whats going on with my frogspawn and attention has turned from my problem to yours. Thanks.

Andy already help you out with his post.

leveldrummer;36821 wrote: if it looks like this, ive been told its fine, it is just the way the tissue splits at the skeleton is built below it.

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mine does it during the day too.

They are fine like that. there are nothing wrong with your frogspawn.. Also Hammerhead does that from time to time