Oh great and wonderful Wrasse master


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Dear Wrasse master

i need your help in selecting my wrasses and the order i should put them in.

Blue Star Leopard Wrasse (Macropharyngodon bipartitus)
Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus filamentosus)
Radiant Wrasse (Halichores iradius)
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)
Yellow Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus)

will all these coexsit together, what order should i put them in should i make some substitutions? Please help oh great and wonderful Wrasse master
They'll be fine. They're all relatively peaceful. Just throw them all in at once.

If you have questions on wrasses, go to RC reef fishes forum. Those guys are the real "masters".
here is another question is your canopy completely closed in cause they will find a whole and you will lose one eventually
i don't have a canopy i was goign to put some egg crates up and they are wil be held down by the wood that my light sits on

Just throw them all in at once.
so i can't get them one or two at a time
they will find a way out a whipfin is small and can fit threw it carpenters can too ...also you want sps if you have egg creat youll be blocking alot of light .....you better start building your self a caonopy ..there isnt a whole in my tank they can jump out of and believe me they jump if somthing scares them god kows how many times ive heard them smash into my lights
LOL. You know they eventually learn not to jump up into the lights... cause it hurts!

Mine rarely jump up and hit the lights now. It only took them ~1/2 year to figure it out...

sagent - add them 1 at a time or in pairs or altogether. That fish on that list are all fairly non-aggressive imo. The only ones I'm not sure about are the yellow and radiants. They are very very closely related and you might have some aggression there to a conspecific... otherwise you should be fine.
I have a wrasse question. I have a 6 line that has been there for a while now (grown large) I added a Scotts Fairy Wrasse and the 6 line kept it cornered and would not let it out until it died. He did not attack it he just kept it cornered all the time. Is there any way to introduce other wrasses without taking the 6 line out. Maybe more than one at a time.

Sorry for the High Jack
FutureInterest;148668 wrote: LOL. You know they eventually learn not to jump up into the lights... cause it hurts!

Mine rarely jump up and hit the lights now. It only took them ~1/2 year to figure it out...

sagent - add them 1 at a time or in pairs or altogether. That fish on that list are all fairly non-aggressive imo. The only ones I'm not sure about are the yellow and radiants. They are very very closely related and you might have some aggression there to a conspecific... otherwise you should be fine.
lol but they dont learn when they jump out
roundman;148711 wrote: I have a wrasse question. I have a 6 line that has been there for a while now (grown large) I added a Scotts Fairy Wrasse and the 6 line kept it cornered and would not let it out until it died. He did not attack it he just kept it cornered all the time. Is there any way to introduce other wrasses without taking the 6 line out. Maybe more than one at a time.

Sorry for the High Jack
six lines are just mean dude sorry for your lose
6lines are problematic like that. Once they reach maturity their territoriality towards conspecifics goes into overdrive.

Most of them are more aggressive to fairies and flashers than other wrasse species. So you may be able to add reef-safe wrasses from the Halichores genus or possibly Macropharyngodon genus. The latter are harder to maintain longterm but the former genus has some exemplary members and a few are my all-time favorites.

I would not add any other fairies or flashers to the tank until you remove the 6line though. Good luck with that if you try that route... those guys are fast...
what you can do is through his *** in the sump for a month or two add all the other wrasses you want reaquascape a little then put him back in
Don't put him back in... Even if you reaquascape the 6line will do the same thing.
Yes there are many that will do just as well. The 6line is most often recommended because it is a good forager but more so because it is cheap and readily available.
so Jin, how is that radiant doing? I still want a school of them..
The radiant is doing wonderfully. Thank you for asking. If you're interested in a bunch of healthy ones talk to panda. I would LOVE to see a tank with a bunch of them in it... it would be stunning! Anyways, his friend has a LFS with a bunch of healthy ones which is the key to keeping these things as they often come in with parasites and other ailments.
Good to hear Jin! I lost all 3 of mine, looked like cyanide to me, and it was heart breaking. I even gave up QT after that; I would rather pay a little more and have the fish pre-qt'd (a-la diver's den).

I'll hit up panda though and see what he has.