Ok another noob qestion


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...Sorry what are you using for dipping corals? I rember a post about rebugs and people saying that their was a dip for corals that could kill the bugs. I am going to keep sps and i am going to go for a monster setup which i will later post.(next year HOPEFULLY "fingers crossed"). I am still in the planning stages with my initial research which will probably take me at least 2 months to gather up all the things and read up on articals. I am going to invest a lot of money(nothing close to what most people invest) so i do not want to risk loosing it let alone let my livestock die so i want to be prepared. So wish me luck! I am still not allowed to go over 35 gallons (-_-) but hey at least it is better than nothing.
there is a heartworm medication called interceptor that will kill red bugs. I'm pretty sure that you'll need a prescription to get this stuff (not sure though). That is the only thing that will kill them in a dip that I know of. I think a pipefish will eat them also.

I have always just dipped mine in a strong iodine solution. Bought iodide from cvs. same stuff.
If you are talking about dipiing stonies whenyou acquire, I have tried Tropic Marin's pro cure and lugols, the former is a little more effective IMO...
Ya i know that pipes will eat them and that is why i am thinking of keeping some in the tank.(dragon face pipefish) and thanks for the answers!!!
please do your research before spending a lot of money on something you do not understand. too many people associate spending a lot of money on pricey equipment and success, i see this too often on reef central.
I know this that is why i am reading on subjects and i have had experience with softies, lps and some sps(monti) but for the most part I am doing my share of the work. Remember i have not spent more than $400 at a time so big money for me might be way less than you think :yes:. I am giving my self ample time to reserch things. I think that i am going to go with a Biocube 29 gallon, Topless with a 2 NANO koralias, 150W HQI, 18" HOB Fuge, BC29R Skimmer and some other goodies like a RK2 and a JBJ ATO. I look at setups at Nano-reef.com and look at thier mistakes and learn from them so that i do not make the same mistakes. I thank you for the concern and admire people with great setups. NONE of this is set in stone still looking at the things that i picked out looking for the pros and cons. Here is an example:

Koralia NANO- 240 gph at 3.5 watts
6025 NanoStream- 660 gph at 6 watts

The nanostream would put out 110gph at 1 watt while the koralia puts out 68.6gph at 1 watt so the nanostream would be a better choice for an sps setup. And i do know thatt is just not getting the best equipment because i had a stock biocube and did a lot with just a stock tank while you look at Nano-reef.com and their are killer setups but almost no one has stock lighing or if they do not any longer 2-3 months. I am not saying that I know everying but i do know something.
Softies can take up to a 10 minute freshwater dip, which will kill just about any pest on them. You actually won't believe how much crap will actually come off of a leather until you see the water after the dip.

I use Seachem Reef Dip on all hard coral. I'll use reef dip on infected leathers, also, using the suggested double dose.