Ok I found the few..


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Now what do you think?

I've picked the skimmers that were mentioned in the post and now I've picked some that were said or close. So what do you think?

Options are listed above and options listed below with links

1. Octopus NW 150

2. Coralife Super Skimmer 125

3. Precision Marine RL100 Redline Protein Skimmer

4.Bubble-Magus BM100 v2 Skimmer (mentioned on RC)

5. Other - Not mentioned or you have another suggestion
IF you want to do an Octopus, go with the one Jin has. It is beast. I'm sure the regular NW 150 will work fine though...
The Extreme I believe. It's a little extra, but like I said, the "non-Extreme" one will work wonders.
o yea I saw that one but that is a way more than I wanted to spend, but poll results show that the NW150, "non-Extreme" is what everyone (8 people) say they would chose
If you can, go with the extreme. The pump pulls twice to 3 times the amount of air and uses half the power (vs the octo 150). I was in a thread with some people over on RC about modding the octo NW pumps... I've modded all my octopus skimmers (150 and 200). I've actually made my latest one (octo 200) into an extreme 200....bubble plate and pump replacement. I'm absolutely amazed by the performance of the pump!
I'd get it but its $300 and I need $300 for lights as well, parents say they might think about buying the skimmer but it has to be reasonable... modding shouldn't be to hard right?(you done it so you should know, I hope:))

I hate being jobless or I wouldn't have a problem getting the xtreme but with the economy and not being able to find a job that will be able to be flexible with my class schedule is hard.
I voted for octopus - no need to put sorry to Jetchris under your name. Its no big deal. I just thought it was odd you were selling a tank i gave you for free, only after a month of having it. Like i said its yours do with it what you want. :up:
I'm thinking Octopus too.

I shall keep it there till I find something else to put there.
Seedless Reefer;269708 wrote: what size tank?

In sump or out of sump?

in sump for a 40 breeder total water volume with a 29 sump is about 60-70g

Barbara;269730 wrote: I've never had one, but I've heard nothing but good from Octopus owners. Cory, if your parents say they'd buy the skimmer, but it has to be reasonable, how about asking them to pay for the regular Octo, and then you "buy up" to the extreme with your own money? Tell them "this is a "reasonable" skimmer, but I'd like <u>this</u> one, and I'm willing to pay the difference." The reason I suggest this is because of one person's comment that it's more efficient. Look for ones that use less energy as they will add less heat to your tank, and less load to your circuits. The energy thing is something to pay attention to.

Yes, I have thought about that as well, but I can't even afford the difference, thats what jobless does to you. Hopefully I can find something with in the next week, 1) cause I need the money and 2) I'm bored out of my mind and need to work. But I t may work itself out to where I could get the xtreme octopus we'll just have to see.
The NW 150 would be more the sufficient for that system. I am running it on my 90g with 30g sump and it works fine. Mine is "unmodded". No need to mess with something that works just fine out of the box.
ok, i'll be getting the NW150, might get the extreme as I might have a heavy bio-load.

I plan on have my current 2 firefish, a pair of clowns, possibly a shrimp/goby pair, and something else. plus corals, my current stock plus some others. is that a heavy or just light/medium?

what are some reef friendly fish that I can have besides the few mentioned above?

scubagirl12 - just a little indecisive. I want to get it right the first time so it doesn't cost in the long run.
ok thanks, after that being stated I may just go with the NW150. I doubt I'll be able to upgrade anytime soon after this endeavor