ok this is just weird


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so yesterday i posted in the trade/sell forums that i am giving away my dward lionfish to anyone who wants him. ive had him for two weeks and all he has ever done is just sit on the liverock and move around. He never swims around or anything. This morning i wake up and he bobbing all over the tank.. it doesnt look natural at all. Ive never had a lion fish before but id say hes on his death bed. I recorded a video, take a look and let me know what you think please.. :(

<div class="gc_ifarem_title">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2v5yRGXPVI</div><iframe style="width: 70%; height: 400px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/j2v5yRGXPVI"></iframe>
I hate to say it, but he sure doesn't look like he's doing very well.
thought so... dunno why. He did fine for two weeks. I tested my water, and its okay. Though the No3 has rised a little bit. (time for water change?) Everything else in the tank is doing fine *knock on wood.* Should i just leave him in there til he kicks the bucket? Im going up to Marine Fish today was supposed to pick up my filefish. Ill have them test the water just to make sure its okay, and see what they think.
Angcot70;678327 wrote: i dont know that i would leave him in there ... do you have anything else you can put him in? MAYBE he can be saved...doubt it but i would try something, i hate when fish die...

also, you may want to take him off your signature ;) sorry just kidding couldnt resist ... it early

oops never mind dont see the list of livestock on sig anymore ...lol

yeah i already did take him off sig :( i feel bad..he looks like hes suffering. Ive never had a fish slowly die before. Its always been they are just dead when i wake up or look at the tank. Never had one slowly die. Should i take some water from the tank and put him in a bucket by himself? Right now he has found a place between the liverock so the current cant pull him up and bob him around. The Puffer keeps bothering him for some reason.. like he curious or something. The lion is three times his size, so i know he isnt trying to eat him.
off topic but: LOL i was just feeding my puffer and he chased a piece of krill to the bottom.. my sally light foots are extremely aggressive.. they always try to steal the krill i feed to the pistol shrimp. Anyways the piece of krill floated toward sally and she grabbed the puffer and pulled him down. He puffed up for a second and was okay.. but it scared the heck out of me. I REALLY couldnt stand to lose my lil puffer. Hes been doing so good and hes so adorable.
You'll likely need this:

UmbrellaCorp;678342 wrote: off topic but: LOL i was just feeding my puffer and he chased a piece of krill to the bottom.. my sally light foots are extremely aggressive.. they always try to steal the krill i feed to the pistol shrimp. Anyways the piece of krill floated toward sally and she grabbed the puffer and pulled him down. He puffed up for a second and was okay.. but it scared the heck out of me. I REALLY couldnt stand to lose my lil puffer. Hes been doing so good and hes so adorable.

I'd get rid of the sally lightfoot. I had one and it got huge and started taking out fish. They are really cool when they are smaller, but after they get bigger they just get to aggressive. I fed mine krill also, until I guess that wasn't enough and he took out my diamond goby. I was afraid the midas blenny was next, so he got sentenced to solitary (sump).
McPhock;678357 wrote: You'll likely need this:


omg some of that sounds awful. I love animals and i could never kill one.. i dont even kill bugs that get in the house. I believe all creatures have souls. (please dont think im crazy) but the only time i would kill something is if its a threat. I.E. once a black widow was in the house.. had to kill it. The only one on there that i could do would be the putting him in the freezer... but that sounds like it would be torture to him. :(

" How to euthanise your fish: Freezing

Burgess et all (1998) do not recommend the use of ice or freezing water to euthanise fish, but Brown (2005) specifically describes a process that is acceptable for very small fish (under 5 cm in length). The fish is either (a) exposed to freezing cold water but is not in contact with the ice itself; or (b) placed in a container of normal temperature water from the tank and then that container is transferred to a freezer where it can cool down to below freezing."

hes about 3 inches.. that says 5cm which comes to 2 inches.. i just dunno.

It said i could decapitate him but then i would have to stab him with a skewer directly through the brain and spinal columb.
Seems like his swim bladder ruptured. It can happen sometimes during shipping. The fish can't tell up down left right and ends up drowning himself
You'll only need a bottle of pure clove oil, a bucket, and about 15 minutes.

It's a painless way to die, and much better than severing anything</em> in my opinion.
McPhock;678431 wrote: You'll only need a bottle of pure clove oil, a bucket, and about 15 minutes.

It's a painless way to die, and much better than severing anything</em> in my opinion.

okay that sounds much more humane. Can u buy clove oil at grocery stores? Ive never heard of it before. Where would i get it?
Google, my friend.

"It can also be purchased in [IMG]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmacies">pharmacies</a> over the counter, as a [IMG]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_remedy">home remedy</a> for dental pain relief, mainly [IMG]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothache">toothache</a>; it is also often found in the [IMG]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromatherapy">aromatherapy</a> section of health food stores"

Try any health food store. They'll have it.
McPhock;678454 wrote: Google, my friend.

"It can also be purchased in [IMG]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmacies">pharmacies</a> over the counter, as a [IMG]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_remedy">home remedy</a> for dental pain relief, mainly [IMG]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothache">toothache</a>; it is also often found in the [IMG]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromatherapy">aromatherapy</a> section of health food stores"

Try any health food store. They'll have it.[/QUOTE]
