Ok Todd, I cleaned the Nano just for you.


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Hi Todd,

You almost gave me a complex the other day. So I cleaned the Nano.

What do you think.

Oh, by the way, the anenome split 24hrs later. Go figure, maybe I should clean it more often.

Note, this was a second generation split. I have the Grand Mother, Mother and now Daughter.
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woot woot, good to see that lil guy all nice! You still have the eel in there?
Yeah, the snowflake is still in there. Doing nicely. Dont feed him much so he doesn't grow.

He's so friendly. He jumps out of the water like a dolphin to catch food. The kids love watching him do that. He's only carpet surfed once ;-)
ah thats good to hear, unfortunately mine carpet surfed when I didnt notice :( poor guy.
Hey this little guy might be in need of a good home soon. I may break down the Nano when I get my 300G. I simply dont want more tanks. I have already decided to break down the 92G Corner. It will happen about 2 weeks after the big tank has arrived.
oh wow, good deal on the big tank upgrade! Where you planning on putting that big guy? If there is anything I can do for ya, dont hesitate to ask.
Thanks man. I've been told that the glass will weigh 700lbs dry, so all the help i can get will be much appreciated on the day.

I'll keep everyone informed.
Thank you ,its about freaking time...I thank you and your fish thank you...now they can watch TV and watch you guys eat. And hope you remember to feed them.

Looks good..

Its time for the Canton Reefers Friday night dinner and drinking soon...
That frogspawn looks familiar!! I may need some again someday....I had a colony just bite it while I was gone.
washowi;62343 wrote:
Its time for the Canton Reefers Friday night dinner and drinking soon...

Great idea, How about this Firday. Lets start guaging interest. Anyone interested in going out for a bite to eat and a few drinks. Somewhere around the Canton area.
Wish I was in town for a night of drinking... 3 nights driving up to canton in a week sounds good...LOL.

Simon, the nano looks GREAT, and speaking from personal experience, his eel is VERY friendly, but sometimes misses the food and gets your finger (oh well).

I'll post pics of the amenone tomorrow (it is already stuck to the rock)
Hey Simon if you have an extra anemone since you had a split I am willing to take it off your hands for you.
You know I am in....I will in in Arkansas in the morning, but I should be home by 3 or 4......Six or so? I know Wanda will want to come drinking and eating with me....