Okay time for some flow!!! Help that is.


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Okay so I did a little research but let me tell you what I have right now. Ive got a 75 rr. My return has a split to put some flow in both directions. Im assuming Tunze is the way to go. With that being said, help me pick out something that will work for me. I was going to go with 4 Maxi 1200 and a wavemaker but I dont think I want 4 ph's in my tank. Curious to see what you all think. Thanks in advance!

Also what ever you thihnk I should do where is the best ($$) place to buy?
tunze's all the way... i'd say 2 6100's.... id definatly suggest a wavebox but a 75 is too small for it plus it'll take up a bunch of space...
Seriously, my moded 6025 pushes so much flow that my Gorgonian that bzwaagstra gave me is blowing over from almost 3 feet away. Two of these (with the mod of coarse) would add a lot of flow. I also bought a 6060 that I think would do well by itself in my 65 gallon, as I'm currently using it to turn water in a 35g Brute container, and the water looks too turbulant for fish.
Okay so I could get away with to 6025's or 6060's. I was hopeing so, lol. Anyone know of anywhere to get a really good buy? I found the 6060 for about 140.00 is this a good buy?
I bought a used 6060 on ebay for 55.00, my 6025 came from a group member used, and I moded it my self. The great thing about the 6025 is it's the size of a tennis ball yet pushes a huge amont of water.
Dakota9;84185 wrote: I bought a used 6060 on ebay for 55.00, my 6025 came from a group member used, and I moded it my self. The great thing about the 6025 is it's the size of a tennis ball yet pushes a huge amont of water.

Yeah I really like the size of the 6025. Im so confused on if I even need to spend that kind of money on PH's. lol:roll: I need to find a deal like you did on an ebay auction. I think ill look now ha!
Well, it didn't come with any type of hanger though, so you get what you pay for! Now I need to lay out another 30 bucks for a hanger.
I did a bunch of looking the last few days before I bought 2 powerheads yesterday...

The 6025 has 660GPH and costs about 62.00...the koralia 3 has 850 GPH and is only 40.00...size wise theyre pretty much the same...both have the magnetic mounts...I got them for my coming soon tank and tried one out in my 24 nano....it was hysterical to see the difference coming from my Maxi 1200's

BTW I got mine at Aquabuys in Lawrenceville...Sam was awesome
Russ, I thought along those lines too, as I moved from a Koralia 2 to the Tunze 6025.

I almost didn't buy the Tunze because it only moved as much water as the Koralia. It was another member that told me of the simple mod to make the Tunze push more circulation. I did the mod on the 6025, and could not believe the difference! The Tunze is DEFINATELY worth the extra cost if circulation is your goal. I outlined the whole story in the DIY forum, I think the title of the thread is "Tunze 6025 Mode, WOW!!!!!" or something like that, you should read the thread, it's interesting what one tiny lil mod can do!
I did read it...I was impressed...I was just looking at stock versus dollars. Im sure if Tunze was in my budget I would do the Tunze...:) I dont feel like im slighting my tank any by using the koralias like I did with the MJ 1200. I suppose they all have their uses. But with all said, I am very happy with the purchase I made.
I like the Koralia pumps for sure, and would still be using Koralia if I hadn't picked up the 6025 on the cheap, and too be very honest, had the mod not worked, I'd have felt the 6025 would be far less than the Koralia 2, as before the mod, it was not very impressive.
Well, in that lies the problem. Looking at the Koralia, and reading about them on the web, they don't seem to have any mod that would increase the output of the pump. With Koralia, what you see is what you get, fortunately thats a very good pump with a decent cool looking design. I'm not even certain why the 6025 is designed to restrict flow, other than so it can be used in small (or nano) systems, which would increase its marketability.
well this ends the knowledge I have in powerheads.. lol Id say Tunze or koralia, depending on budget, you wont get hurt. I was just amazed at the difference in GPH from a MJ to others and the flow they create.

Good luck in your decision making Zansk
I sold my 6025 and added a Vortech to my 58 gallon tank several months ago. Excellent peice of equipment and it will move a lot of water in a very wide pattern. It has a variable speed control so you can adjust the speed of the prop. Motor is mounted on the outside of the glass so no heat is introduced into the tank from the motor.

Much better than even a mod 6025.