OMFG this is driving me crazy....


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but I want to make sure I do it right the 1st time. Ok as most of you know Im trying to get a stock list together for my 75 gal tank. I went off on this tang thing cause my wife REALLY REALLY wants a blue hippo tang. I think she thinks the are one of the prettiest fish and I think the same of the purple and chevron tangs. So I was trying to see what others might go along with them but the more and more I hear things from other ppl I think I might just go with 1 or 2 tangs one PROBABLY being a blue hippo other one NOT being a purple because of the aggression I ask if you were stocking a 75gal with a SFE already in it, and he is not leaving, what type of fish and how many fish would you put in there? The thing on the fish is they have to be kinda high in inches ccause if they are slender the eel can get them, as he can eat a 4 or 5 inch silverslide with no problem, but if the fish is taller he couldnt do that.

So just post your list to kinda give me an idea of a stock list.
Im so used to agressive fish this decision is about ot drive me bonkers.
the hippo could defend it's own. it wouldn't be happy in a 75, but it'd live. (I have a sailfin in a 55 so I don't have any room to talk).

A fox face could also hold its own, most fish will leave it alone due to its venomous spines, but I'm not sure if a SFE would be a better aggressor than most fish.
The SFE isnt agressive at all it had 2 larger clowns and a larger anthias in the tank for awhile when one of my friends had some problems with his tank.
The eel didnt bother none of them.
75 is way to small to house a Hippo long term..Jeez do they swim.. I had one that was about 7" in my 180 and it was back and forth the length 24 hours a day...

"Just keep swimming"
Depends on the starting size of the hippo. All fish grow for their entire lives, but rate of growth slows as they reach adult age.

I have a blue tang that I've had nearly 7 years and its original keeper had for 4 before that. She had 2 in a 75, and I took in the whole tank to babysit for 6 months back in 2002 while she traveled. Once she returned she decided to sell the tank - I bought the 2 blues and kept them in my 120. One died about 2 years ago for no apparent reason. The other remained in the 120 until I took it down about 6 months ago. Since then I've had it in 2 of my sell tanks (110 g but longer than 4'). That fish has now been in captivity more than 11 years and has spent 10+ in a 4' tank. It's not a big tang, and I wouldn't suggest getting a 6" one and putting it into a 4' tank... but if you begin with a smaller one, they seem to do just fine.

Sailfins get BIG, and tend to do so more quickly in my experience. They are typically more aggressive than the blues too.

I think your over thinking it. Every fish is a gamble all the time. If you want a fish, get it, and see what happeneds.

Since your wife loves the hippos, then get a 4-5 inch hippo (blue planet has nice ones usually) and let it settle down for a few weeks get comforatble, and rid itself of the ich that it WILL get.

Then get a smaller purple tang since you liek them, and keep a good eye on them.

I am a firm believer that it's your tank, and you should do what you want, just have a plan and stick with it. And of course call me anytime.
Yeah I agree with that chris but I figured the more research I did I would be better off.

Im bout to post a few fish I have found that I like.