one more fish safe to add? suggestions?


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So i have a 24gallon nano cube, emperor 280, and nano skimmer. I dont want to overload my tank but here is where im at:

60 pounds live rock give or take
2 hermits
6 margarita snails
1 pistol shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
2 sally lightfoots
1 really tiny puffer

im thinking one more small fish would be safe, as i dont want to overload the tank. Im thinking about that filefish still (i cancelled the order when my lion fish died because i was worried about the water, the nitrates were a little high so i just did a water change and everything was back to perfect.) or either some other type of small fish. I want something that swims around. the puffer swims around a lot but just mostly at the top.. and when im watching my tank he just stares at me and doesnt swim around. So either a filefish, perc clown, or maybe a couple cardinal fish since they like to be in schools. I dont have any corrals, and im not going to get any. So any suggestions on what kind of fish i should get? Also, is one more about as much as i can add without overloading the tank? thanks for the help guys. :)
You should be able to add another small fish. Any of the ones you listed should do ok. The only concern would be with what type of filefish you want. Some files are tough as heck and some just suffer in captivity. Good luck!
siavashv;679848 wrote: +1. Get a couple onyxes or picassos.

yeah i really want an anemone.. just a bubble tip (though blue planet just got this GORGEOUS carpet but its huge!) i only have LED lighting so i dont think a bubbletip would do well under it... though all the dang unwanted anemones i have are growing like crazy, aptasia and a majano that has already tripled in size. I really want an aptasia eating filefish because they are really interesting looking and would hopefully clean up my tank. But on the other hang i want something pretty and bright, like a blue tang or a perc clown. I was thinking about getting a watcher goby for my pistol but they dont really swim around either. Decisions decisions. Couple months though and ill be able to get my 55 gallon and will have a lot more room.

UmbrellaCorp;679879 wrote: yeah i really want an anemone.. just a bubble tip (though blue planet just got this GORGEOUS carpet but its huge!) i only have LED lighting so i dont think a bubbletip would do well under it... though all the dang unwanted anemones i have are growing like crazy, aptasia and a majano that has already tripled in size. I really want an aptasia eating filefish because they are really interesting looking and would hopefully clean up my tank. But on the other hang i want something pretty and bright, like a blue tang or a perc clown. I was thinking about getting a watcher goby for my pistol but they dont really swim around either. Decisions decisions. Couple months though and ill be able to get my 55 gallon and will have a lot more room.

Get pepperment shrimp to the aptasia
imo depending on where the fish swim you can have more than one more fish..theres no general rule of thumb about how many to add although some people say 2 inches per gallon for say 2 top dwelling like clowns and 2 small bottom dwelling would be the max though
siavashv;679848 wrote: +1. Get a couple onyxes or picassos.

i just looked them up on google images.. gorgeous clowns. They are VERY expensive though arent they? I would love to have a couple of either or those.
No tang, in a tank that size. They are greedy (and what go in have to come out) like goats and love to swim.