one more question about lighting


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my power compact light is not working on my 10k lights but is working on my 14k lights will it hurt my corals mostly mushrooms and zoas to just run it on my 14k for a week or two untill i can get my mh up and running?
Pretty hard to kill mushrooms and zoas. I found zoas and shrooms growing in near total darkness when I moved some rocks around once.
i have one more question and i promise that will be the last one for the night lol
i plan on putting my 55 gallon in the wall in a few weeks and was wondering the wall i am putting it in would be one of the walls in my living room but also is in the closet of my computer room would i need anymore ventilation moving thru that area other than the cooling fans and the exhaust fan i am planing on putting in the top of the closet ot pull the heat out of teh closet for the mh lights i am putting on it i know this sounds stupid but this is the only wall i can put it in for it to be out of the way and look good. let me know what you think i will have plenty of room more room than what you would have in a stand and canopy,also my wife is worried about moisture problems let me know what you think!
The exhaust air will go into a closet?
I think the wifey is right on that one...
no the exhaust air will be pulled either up into attic or out the side of the house because this closet is also on the end of the house on one side of the closet so i could vent it out the side of the house but these are all just ideas
Have room to run a de-humidifier in there? Use canopy fans to evap and then pull the water out of the air. Just an idea.
what if i just repaired my pc ligth and used it, it wouldnt require all the cooling fans a mh would do you still think i would have a issue with moisture?
well my pc are giving me enough light because i am getting good growth out of the corals that i have the only thing i am worried about is moisture damage in the closet
ok well i dont think i will do mh if i put it in the closet how many t5 would it take to beable to do lps and sps on a 50 gallon that is 18 inches deep?
I run a 4 bulb t5 fixture on my 55. LPS is thriving and monti caps are doing well. I haven't messed with any sps beyond that. No heat issues at all.
I'm running a 4bulb fixture over my 55 and can keep SPS up to like 2/3 from the sandbed.

BTW, that fixture is for sale... PM me

well if i went that way instead of mh and coated the walls with kilz and put in a vent fan in do yall think i would have a problem with mold and moisture issues it would be like just a large canopy wouldnt it
Evaporation will a LOT less with T5s - a proper paint coat and vent fan should help not have any issues then, right...
cool i will pm you about the t5 it may be a little while before i can do anything i just had to pay to have a new roof put on and am waiting on the last check from the insurance company and it could take a few weeks
whichs sucks