One of my newest additions [VIDEO]


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One of my newest additions at home...

Very cool catfish, Jakub! I always had some sort of catfish in my freshwater setups, and one, I believe, was a type of whiptail, like that one. Unfortunately, most of them didn't spend a great deal of time out in the open where they could be seen and enjoyed.

I never did figure out what the one I had was...very distinctive markings. It would bury itself in the substrate (sand) and disappear, only to be seen on occasion grabbing up some blood worms that sunk to the bottom. If you're familiar with catfish, maybe you could ID it for me?? I took these pics whilst it was in the bucket getting acclimated, it darkened up just a bit once it went into the tank, but kept the distinctive markings.

Any ideas??

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Good Morning!

That is a Pseudohemiodon</em> apithanos</em> "Chameleon Whiptail"

Beautiful specimen you had! Not a very common fish these days. They come in all sorts of patterns and color hues. It would be very hard to find two that are a like. I've had a few of them through out the years as well. Great fish, but as you mention typical scavengers that usually only come out during the night to feed. One of the reasons I keep my catfish/pleco tanks dimly lit with a good amount of tannins... these guys tend to be a lot more comfortable and active during the day with that setup.

Here is a link for more information...
