One problem with having a "skinny" tank


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I've already posted my "vent" this morning lol... this is my attempt at looking more to the humor side of things. My tank is a 45 gallon, undrilled, 36Lx24Hx12W. Actually on the inside, front to back glass is under 12", so yes, this thing is as skinny as me lol. Getting the rock work in was a nerve-wracking adventure. Working around the rock in the tank? Yeah, we're not going to talk about that 😆, other than to say it's a good thing I'm so thin, as this post will demonstrate.
I picked up a birdsnest coral this past weekend. More like a colony, not a little frag. It's nice and full, so placing it in the tank is going to be tricky. My sweet, ever-helpful husband, with his big, hard-working man hands, insisted he'd be better able to place it in the tank. Mmm-kay, darlin, if you insist (shaking my head and praying for minimal fallout).
An important thing to note: As I'm currently dealing with a GHA problem on my rock, I have most of my coral frags on racks, mounted to the front tank wall. Good for keeping an eye on them, but not so good for any kind of maneuvering in the tank. It leaves little room for moving (and error) between the rock and the racks. I also have a few corals on the rock, though I haven't secured them yet. Back to "The Birdsnest Adventure/Debacle"...
As I feared and predicted (before giving in to his insisting), hubby "attempted" to place the birdsnest down low in the tank. I say attempted, because sure enough, he couldn't maneuver between the rock and the frag racks. In seconds, every rack was tipped, dumping the frags and sending them all over the tank. The unsecured corals were knocked off the rock and quickly followed suit. I'm biting my tongue, holding back the "I told you so" while face-palming, when he pulls the birdsnest back out and irritably relents, "Yeah, I can't do this! YOU try it!"
The aftermath: I managed to find and retrieve almost all of the frags that were flung around the tank. Sadly, a couple plugs came up empty. The zoa polyps on them had popped off, and my searching turned up nothing. The birdsnest was settled into place. And the absolute and irrevocable decision was made that in any future instances requiring hands in the tank beyond the surface, it will be MY hands 😂. Glad we got that settled.
Hope I added at least a smile or a chuckle to your day!
If you really want to succeed in this hobby as you are desiring?! I would get better tank that is suited for the reefing and for corals.
Front to back depth is the most importsnt for aquacape. Deeper top to bottom brings problems like lighting issues. 120 is better than 75/90 and 180 is more popular than 210. Certain footprints are just more desirable