One Year Later-Success!


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One year ago I started a Biocube 29-Added Nanotuners 144 watt PC light kit, Saphire Skimmer,Modded MJ900, 30 LBs $ live rock.. have used fish store R.O salt water, changes every 2 weeks - maybe 40% each change. I use no mechanical filtration and use carbon only sporadically. The tank is heavy with candy cane, frogspan, xenia, shrooms, kenya tree, colt coral, polyps,toadstool leather, Only fish are 6 line wrasse & clownfish. Also snails & crabs. Coraline algae solid on back of tank and live rock.
With the help of advice I requested from ARC members, and reviewing other websites my tank has been incredibly succesfull. Nothing has died, (oh yeah a pseudochromis lost a battle with the wrasse and I discovered that colt coral will kill finger leathers!) all corals have grown and spread- I trade frags for water at fish store when I take the time to frag.
Although I envy larger, more sophisticated setups, the ease of care and the enjoyment of watching the soft corals swaying in the water flow is pretty cool.
I hoped I havent jinked myself by bragging abut this tank, but even if I had a "crash" I now know how to re-stock my small tank at minimal cost.
So THANKS to all those who give advice, couldnt have done it without you.