Online order?!?


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Anyone doing an on-line order anytime soon?

I know a guy, who knows a guy, who needs just a few crabs and what nots!
Best place IMO to get online cleaners is as they have free shipping at $75 and good prices. Past that Fishy is a good bet. Personally, I am waiting for the clamsdirect power buy.
Hey wow... that reminds me! I have a ClamsDirect gift certificate to use as a raffle item at this months meeting!!!
tsciarini;43627 wrote: Hey wow... that reminds me! I have a ClamsDirect gift certificate to use as a raffle item at this months meeting!!!

Ya It should remind you of that! ;) That is why I have been waiting to give Berry a call to put in an order.
I can not remember if Peppermints eat flat worms at all. I do not think so but the guy that I know needs emerald crabs, a Sally Light foot, and something for flatworm control like a 6 line or god forbid a nudi.
reef1973;43698 wrote: Brandon, do you thing a guy who knows your guy needs any peppermint shrimps? I got about 100 shrimps comming in tomorrow to work over my aptaisa but I don't think I will need that many. I'll sell some to the guy who knows your guy if he needs some.
I would certainly post here with them when you are done with them. I am certain you will move quite a few with little fuss.
Etropicals is the place to go if you ever need another group of them (guessing you won't). Once you hit $75 on their Build Your Own Package, free shipping which is about as good as it gets for cleaner packages.
hey if anyone does make a livestock order I'll tag along... Im looking for a particular fish...
If anyone is interested in ordering, where would you want to order from? Id say lets order from the place the most people want stuff from. Ive never done online fish but I would like to try liveaquaria. Im up for anywhere though.
Yah there's a fishie from there that I can't get from the hotspot that I'll order as well. That being said we're putting in an order with for a few things if anyone wants to tag along :p.
IMO, LiveAquaria is a great place to do group orders since they will refund cash rather than store credit. I hate getting stuck with store credit because someone elses fish died.