Opinions Experience, Please


Reaction score
30 Gallon Oceanic Cube
Fluval 205 (running Carbon and Media only w/ Surface Skimmer)
1 Hydor Koralia 750 (adding another soon)
Kessil A350 (14" from surface)
20 Lb Live Sand
29 Rock (3 Live and 26 Base)

<u>Water Parameters</u>:
pH - 8.0 ppm
N03 - 1.6 ppm
KH - 9.0 ppm
PO4 - 0.2 ppm
Salinity - 1.026
Ca - 380 ppm
Mg - 1350 ppm
Temp - 79F

What do you guys think of running Fish and Anemones only in this setup. I know time will tell, but I'd like to know what you guys think... Any problems you've ran into in a similar setup. Do I REALLY need a Skimmer on a 30 Gallon (I've got one on my 30 DL in the livingroom, But... Do I NEED one)? Refuge vs. Fluval 205 with Fish and Anemones?

Feeding regime for Anemones in this tank?

All thoughts are welcome and encouraged!
As long as you have a consistent plan to rid the system of excess nutrients then a skimmer is not neccessary.

It all depends on the intended bio load of the system. More fish = more poop = more nutrient export needed. The solution for the polution is dilution!!

I've really never fed my anenomes.
Definitely don't need a skimmer on a 30g, but weekly water changes are a must.

Everyone has different opinion on feeding anemones, but a good rule of thumb is... feed them twice a week to grow, once a week to stay healthy. On a system that small, simply target feeding mysis shrimp should be good!
rdnelson99;790734 wrote: My anemones are doing great under my LED only set up.

I've heard nothing but praises coming from Anemones under LEDs.

gnashty;790644 wrote: As long as you have a consistent plan to rid the system of excess nutrients then a skimmer is not neccessary.

It all depends on the intended bio load of the system. More fish = more poop = more nutrient export needed. The solution for the polution is dilution!!

atlweb;790656 said:
Definitely don't need a skimmer on a 30g, but weekly water changes are a must./QUOTE]

I've got a Skimmer on my DT in my Livingroom, so I'm used to weekly changes... I think it's getting to the point where I can start doing bi-weekly.
Bdooley;790737 wrote: My anemone split like crazy after switching to LEDs .

Maybe that's the reason for all the praise I hear? Hahahaha...

The guys I know get $90 a pop for their BTAs at the LFS!

Edit: Honestly, I have no clue what I'm doing with this tank. Just taking my time and sorting my options...

What do you think of a series of three or four Non-reef Safe Wrasses... Maybe a Dwarf Predator Tank????

I just don't know yet...
I ran my 30 cube with no filter or skimmer with sps in it for a month with no problems i only had power heads its all about the water changes at that point though. Once i got my tank drilled though i got it all set up with my skimmer and reactor. The sps was fine and my zoas grew like weeds.
SnowManSnow;790703 wrote: my concern is the LED only setup for the anemone


My bubble tip loves my kessils. And the sps do to.

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The Anemone is doing awesome!

The only other fish in the tank are a porcupine puffer and a snowflake moray eel. Both of these guys are tiny right now, so it's perfect. I absolutely love this tank!