Opinions on DSB's and Sump size


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Howdy all, my first post here, that said, I was curious as to what everyone's opinion on Deep Sand Beds (4in+) were and what size sump you would recommend for a 125G display tank, I personally want my tank in the making to be as energy efficient as possible, and to have as effective of a bio filter as possible. I got the idea for a DSB from this youtube. vid
Welcome!!! IMO DSBs are more of a personal preference amd wheather or not you want to have fish that will burrow in the sand. In my tank i run about a 2.5-3in sand bed and am happy with it. For sumps, the bigger the better. The more water volume you have, the more stable your tank will be, and its always nice to have room to add equipment in the future.

I've heard both sides of the DSB argument and, like Luke, only run 2.5-3" sand bed. For the sump, I also agree as large as you can get. I'd also recommend making sure your stand allows easy access to everything in your sump. Meaning, don't make your sump bigger just to be bigger if it means it'll be a pain to take out the skimmer, return, or anything else you throw in there.