Opinions on powerheads for 90 gallon tank


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What do you guys think is the best powerheads for a 90 gallon reef tank. Right now I have 2 aquaclear 70's and they seem to put out a good current, but they are old and I would like to upgrade. Thanks
I think u will need more. 2 will leave out a lot of dead spots. For the cost, you should have gone with a tunze turebelle.
well i have two 750s in my tank, and i still need much more flow, so i'd get more if you can.
I've got two MP40s in a 90, but before that I used two of the Koralia 1400s you ordered. They were great... you'll be fine with those.
3 Korilia EVO's 1050 or larger would be the cheaper route to go depending on what type/kind of flow you are trying to generate (what corals are you trying to keep). I have used them in the past on the RKL and they will work fine for awhile but in wavemaker mode they are noiser than the vortech or Tunze 6105's (both more expensive options) and after a while the ones I had tended to want to run backwards upon restart. For what its worth buy what you can afford right now and upgrade. After two years I finally have both a vortech and two tunze 6105's on my 120 but in the mean time I went through 4 Koralia EVo's. Happy reefing.