Opinions on rock placement!


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Got it back in there. About to add water. Any comments? I will have a little more when I break down the small tank. A little more spiney stuff than I thought I bought.

Trying to figure out where to put the dogs in there too. ;-)

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Looks great to me. Lots of spots for corals and not too much on the sandbed
Just make sure the rock in the front right corner is not too close to the glass for you to be able to clean there!
I like it. If you really want an opinion I would probably lose the horizontal sausage looking rocking as it doesn't seem to fit as much. :) I like more minimal aquascapes and always seem to take rock out, but I think you'll have a lot of room for different coral placements. Looks like you've put a lot of thought into that.
Looks great! Be careful where you place the dogs...they tend to be needy for space, like lots of attention, and eat a ton...may be hard to keep the nitrates down with them in there ;)
Lol to all. I am not crazy about the sausage (assume you mean shelf?) like the idea but may look for another piece I like better.
Yeah... I agree. The snausage looks out of place and it distracts me from looking at the rest of what appears to be a well put together package.
Well I brought the rock, 2 clownfish, starfish, snail, and crab tonight from the small tank at the old house.... And ended up rearranging the rock again haha. What do you guys think?

Gonna be on the lookout for snausage replacement.

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Not bad. I think the pound per gallon this is a bit old school but it's all a personal preference. Will have the wall of rock look when you start filling it up.
The shelf looks great now. I like it uneven better like the first pic but would have gone taller just right of the V (in center back).
The fist pic had more interest!
Sorry you asked :)
Wall - Hmm. You know I would really like to see a bunch of different options to see what I like best. I like this but may like something else even better. Will see!

Shelf - Yea, I like it better too but I would like to find something thinner with more bumpies ... hard to explain but I can see it in my head. Will ponder the "v"!

zboyblue;985941 wrote: Wall - Hmm. You know I would really like to see a bunch of different options to see what I like best. I like this but may like something else even better. Will see!

Shelf - Yea, I like it better too but I would like to find something thinner with more bumpies ... hard to explain but I can see it in my head. Will ponder the "v"!


Here's one I just did for our 30g... More of an island concept

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Acandoit;985952 wrote: I found this thread to be a great reference:


Wow! This is exactly what I was describing... I'm so artistic :)
Love this, it should be sticky!
I always turn those mushroom shaped rocks up side down so that the big part is up. That way you have less on the sand and more placement area. If they don't stand up just take a hack saw to them and cut them off flat on the bottom.
that was actually a really good article:) enjoyed it.
The one thing I KIND of disagree with is having the "peak" or the main structure in the back.

Make sure the corals have adequate lighting. most of the time that is in the middle of the tank. The depth we have to work with in a reef tank really is limited if you have a standard 24" deep (front to back) tank. if you leave 5 inches from the back to clean / run a magnet, and the same on the front, then that only leaves you 14" to do your aquascape, and presses it right into the middle of the tank.

I don't have room THIS time.. but one day I'll do a 36" tank :)
zboyblue;985921 wrote: Well I brought the rock, 2 clownfish, starfish, snail, and crab tonight from the small tank at the old house.... And ended up rearranging the rock again haha. What do you guys think?

Gonna be on the lookout for snausage replacement.

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If you're gonna grow serious corals in there, you're gonna run out of room fast :) Thats a lot of rock IMO :)