Opinions on T5 Retros


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I am beginning to get down to the final planning for my 180 or 240 gal tank. I have decided that I am going to stick with T5's. What is everyones opinion on the best type of retrofits? Currently I have a Tek fixture so I'm kind of leaning toward the Tek 2 very high output kits.
Look into icecap. There one of the best products in the market. Expensive!!
If you want to overdrive the bulbs, then an IceCap kit with 660 ballast is want you want.

If not, then Tek II is the way to go.
At that length though you'll have to run 2x4 or 3x2. I'd run 2x4 just to be cost efficent but 4 bulbs that deep isin't much.
Whats the size of the tek fisxture you have now? (curious)
4' 6x54watt is what I have now. I was thinking about overdriving 6 4' bulbs in the center of the tank and having 2x2' bulbs turned perpendicular on the edges.
Ahhhhhh ok Im still considering T5's I have a 2 month Coralife with dual 175 MH and 2 96 atinics with Lunar lights and was considering a switch..

i've had my T5's for about 18 months and couldn't be happier
it seems like here and on RC the ice cap 660's with SLR reflectors are the favorites. now i just need to figure out how many and how to position them. the tank is going to be 6'x2'x2'. i don't know what kind of mix of 3,4, and 5 foot bulbs to get to allow good coverage.
How deep is this tank and how long? If it is over 24" deep, I would go with halides assuming you are doing SPS. Otherwise an IceCap system with Icecap ballast and reflectors. Depending on length would depend on the setup I would use.
I was VERY happy with my 6x60" setup. An 8x60" would be nice as well. You get a bit of all off from the lights on the ends, but it is really nice. I don't know if Big D has had the time to hook them up, but I believe he was going to put them on his tank. You should check them out.
cameron are yours overdriven? i was trying to figure out a way to use a 4x48'' and 4x36'' since i have a bunch of 48'' bulbs, but it is seeming like its going to cost me more. also what are the dimensions of the tank you have a 6x60 on?
Mine was a 6' by 18" by 24" deep tank and I staggered the bulbs. Worked out real well and in a couple years when I was to switch the bulbs out it wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. Pretty much anything put on an Icecap 660 Ballast is overdriven. Also the icecap reflectors are the way to go as you can pack more light since they are .5" narrower than the Tek2s.
If you are set on T5s, the decision will be which reflector (IceCap SLR vs Tek 2) and whether to over drive or not. The advantage of the SLR is they are smaller in width (so you can cram more of them in) and they are more focused, thus giving a little more "punch" through the water. The Tek 2s have the advantage of better dispersion. The choice of whether to overdrive the bulbs will depend on the height of the tank and the types of inhabitants. At 24" you could go either way but at 30" overdriving would have significant advantages for clams and/or an SPS dominated tank.

I've actually found that a blend of the 2 reflectors has worked out fairly well in my current tank. I use the SLR for the bulbs that I'm trying to get my PAR from and then use the Tek 2 on the bulbs that are there primarily for color.