Opinions-will brittle star eat a garden eel?


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Got a garden eel and just thought about the brittle star in the tank. Think they are alright together?
they'll probably be alright together but what id be worried about is that you have a garden eel in a tank. they get several feet long and like to bury their bodies vertically in the sand so they can just pop in and out of their burrow for safety, if they have to adapt to a shallow sand bed they tend to burrow sideways and half the time parts of their body stick out. they wont be able to just pop in and out and more than likely that will stress them out more than they need to be. also they like to feed on small particles floating by. you might be able to get it to eat frozen but either way its not very well suited to aquarium life unless you can provide it with a huge setup with 4-6 feet of sand bed.

sorry, im not trying to be negative. just trying to give you the facts. i used to want one for my tank so i did a bunch of research and everything i could find said that its not suited for small aquarium life.
I wouldnt trust a brittle star with anything that could be considered easy/slow food.

Considering you will almost never see a brittle star unless it smells food, it just seems like a dangerous waste.
What they said.

Garden eels, while very cool, are difficult to keep.

Brittle stars (got a green death one?) are opportunistic predators.

I wouldn't play those odds.

The garden eel has been at the lfs for about 4 months. I do have a 6' 220 gal tank and am likely going to add some sand to the sand bed, although it is deep in certain areas due to the power heads distributing it around the tank.
Your call, but I would just sump the star and show the eels that are so cool. I kept a group of 3 yellow ones for about a year. In 4-6 in sand
I would put the star in your overflow.i have a huge red brittle star he's a monster keep's my overflow spotless