ORA Blue Tort = Slow Grower???


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I've had SPS's in for about 4 months now. I've had surprisingly fast growth out of most, but the ORA Blue Tort is slow at best. Maybe 1/4" in 4 months. It has good polyp extension and beautiful coloration, just not much growth. For reference, my ORA Tri-Color Valida, Tubs Birdsnest, Green Slimer, and assorted Milles have done 1-2" in the same or less time. I wouldn't really care, but I placed the tort front and center because I love the color, now it looks puny compared to my "background" corals:doh:

Before you ask, all parameters are good with SG = 1.025, Alk = 3.2-3.4, CA = 430, MG = 1400, PO = 0, etc. No NH4, NO2, and very minimal NO3. 150w MH and 64w actinics on a 28 gallon at 79 degrees. Other than a small nitrAte rise when I was feeding a BTA heavily to get it back to health, my parameters have been incredibly stable (knock wood:D ).
Makes me feel better:D Starting to wonder if it were just me. Dang nice coral all the same.