Out, ****ed spot! out, I say!


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Well my trigger has a single white spot on him. It's up and behind his eye above the gills. He's had this lil spot for over 1.5 months now and it has neither seemed to go away or gotten larger. I know it bothers him... I've seen him try to scratch it off and thus scrape parts of body...:( He has no other spots on him and no other fish have any spots or white marks of any sort. Noone else has the itchies either.

The spot is about the size of a extra fine piece of sand and is not perfectly round. I have cleaners but he doesn't use them and frankly they're terrified of him... I've tried feeding metrodonizole infused mysis and all my fishies spit it back up :p. So I dosed the water for 24 hrs and the darn spot is still there...

Any suggestions?

If it looks like something that's hanging on the outside of the trigger you can catch the trigger and remove the spot yourself. If you are up to it. If it's internal some meds and/or time may get rid of the problem.
Yeah I have used my finger nail to gently push off such spots on fish...not scratch off but pushed. Works for hard to get stuff like that.