Outdoor mixing station


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Anyone ever put them outside? I have tamco tanks and was wondering if putting them outside my shed would be a ok?
If they are made of polyethylene that resists sunlight better than most polymers. However, unless they are pigmented black you will have algae growth inside them. Using heaters would also be required in winter, but you’ve probably thought of that?
when i had mixing station in the garage - extreme temp swings seemed to throw chemistry off of mixed / stored water. I always had a pump running on any mixed water.

I never really could pinpoint it specifically but the big three would be out of whack in the coldest parts of winter and hottest parts of summer. Do a water change - check water a couple days later and I'd see larger than normal swings in Alk or Ca.

If you do this - and can manage to keep algae down - I would test every time you use the water.

I never had to worry about light - I had them in a dark mechanical room off the garage.
My mixing barrel is in a side room of our garage (no temp control) and with the current hot weather, calcium starts to precipitate out of solution within three days of mixing a fresh batch of saltwater. Once the temps drop a little, my mixed saltwater stabilizes. I would think having the tanks outside would be much worse.
I had a couple 275 gallon storage tanks outside for a while. I put pumps in them to keep the water in the tanks moving, which prevented freezing. I had them connected to the system via a long run of 1/4" tubing to a Neptune DOS for a continuous water change system, changing out a few gallons a day. Worked fine. No problems with precipitation or anything. I did have the 1/4" lines freeze a couple times.