Overflow / Drain Question


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Sorry for all of the questions. :) So I have a tank that has a pretty small overflow box. It will be very tight getting a durso type set up in the overflow area along with the return. This sounds too easy but is there a reason not to just have a PVC drain with a strainer on top? Thanks.
itll be loud as hell, if you do not run any kind of pvc inside the overflow, the water level in the overflow will stay down at the bottom. the water will crash from the surface strainer all the way to the bottom of the overflow box.
OK so even if I use a pvc piece extended from the bulkhead and have the strainer at the top of the overflow box would it still be loud?
the water level inside the box will be as high as your pvc is tall. so the taller the pvc, the less the water crash down. i have my pvc about .25-.5" under the bottom of the surface strainer slots.
I am running a thin stand pipe in my overflow box. Search for "Hofer Gurgle Buster" and you should be able to pull up some instructions. It's pretty easy to make and once it's adjusted, it's quiet as can be.
I made one of those back in the day...worked pretty well for me.

That looks like the solution to my problem as well.

au01st, do you have a picture of yours in the tank?
I'm sure I can find a pic when I get home (at work right now). It's pretty easy to make, but will require some sanding and a drill with a steady hand; it's definitely more labor intensive than a Durso stand pipe, but I got mine done in about 15min and adjusted in another 5 minutes.
Sounds about how long it took for me to make mine. It's a pretty great alternative to the durso.
They're really great. I'm not sure what a pic would show that the diagram doesn.t I have mine tall enough so the level of the water in the back of the overflow box is just above the spill over ledge, so there is no splashing of the water back there. The only splashing I hear is the water falling into the overflow box, after that, it's all quiet.

That setup is basically the same as having a durso be taller than the overflow teeth, which means there's no "splashing" going on back there, so I don't imagine it would work the same in a RR setup, but it works great in a non RR tank in the overflow box, and since I set it up back in September, I only had to adjust it once, which was when I changed from my QuietOne 2200 pump to a Mag 9.5 pump.
Sorry it took so long, been kinda busy this weekend. Try to ignore the detrius. That is the downside, I would say, detrius builds up in the box because the flow is reduced at the bottom of the box. I remove the tube once a week (just lift it up so the water splashes for a few seconds) then put it back down.

And yes, this is an old pic with a threaded bulkhead...it's now a slip fitting and the tube had to be made longer to raise it to the correct height.
