Overflow Problem? Question / Advice


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Sorry for all of the questions folks but my new set up is a little different than what I have had in the past. My built in overflow will be full of water and then like "flush" and it makes a slurping noise and then refills. It does this over and over. Do I need to "adjust" the hole drilled in the top of the cap of the drain pipe? Thanks in advance.
Houston we may have a problem. I just noticed that the overflow drains down to where I drilled a hole (below the water line) in the "T" part of the overflow pipe. It then slurps and the overflow fills back up. Any suggestions?
Thanks. What is confusing me is the change (up and down) of the water level in the overflow chamber. In my old set up the water level was constant.
The hole you have below the "T" must be breaking the siphon. Try making another piece without the hole and see if that helps. Know you know why I said not to glue your overflow together like the return. It's a trial and error system!
Well I am keeping my fingers crossed. I just cut the hole in the top cap of the overflow pipe a little larger and it seems to have helped.
Ut Oh...."thar she blows"

Just kidding, that should help. The hole might have been too small for the amount of air being drawn. I agree with Barbara, if the drainpipe is against the side of the overflow it seems to quiet it down a bit too. Good luck!
I need a job like yours Darren. Except I would never get anything done because I would be messing with the tank all day!
mine did the same thing, hole was too small. I just removed the cap...oddly enough there is no sound from it.
Mark luckily my tank is in my "home office". Hey can I write it off on my taxes?
I am sure it can be included on Schedule SW! It is a medical(therapy) tax write off!!!