Overstocked- Breaking down is Heartbreaking!


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Powder Springs
Fatuous from being overwhelmed, I've created my own disaster!

My 75 gallon is filled with SPS & LPS that have outgrown their home. Several months ago I screwed up and bought 5 beautiful, peaceful, large high end Wrasse just after ordering $1,200 in fish (and food) from LA.
In an incredible short time period my fish have amazed me in growth and amazing color. Everything in my aquarium is spoiled rotten and shows it. I'm sick with grief but I've got fish aggression, most likely from an overcrowded tank and have to let this go :(

Over the past 5 years I've purchased most all (top line) equipment in attempts to be successful in this hobby but this type things has continued to happen (last few years). It's heart stabbing I didn't break down two years ago when major hurdles bombarded me and took over my life!

I'm leaving work now to buy a 40 breeder & hang on skimmer. It will take all night+ to break this down or there will be DEATH from aggression. I don't have this kind of time now and won't for a hobby for awhile. However, beautiful (my dream fish) dying from my ignorance is crushing and unacceptable. Obviously, I haven't learned nor have what it takes (ATM) to be successful reefer.

Being overwhelmed with my business loosing $1,000's daily, spending $10's of thousands weekly while renovating houses (selling off all my businesses). With only two hands and eyes my contractors and hired help are screwing up without me onsite. More importantly, my daughter has horrific life issues, my son and mother also need me. Not to dismiss every step I take is very painful. I had extensive foot surgery last year. The incompetent surgeon at Emory totally SCREWED up! He diagnosed and performed major excruciating bone surgery (manipulation) and removed a small tumor yet TOTALLY MISSED the marble size (bolder) tumor still in my foot. Hence, in need of another surgery...

ARC has been truly an invaluable, wonderful, life experience! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all my friends for helping me along this journey called reefing :)
I wish you all health, happiness and peace In life!

Wow Deb, very sad to hear all this but I know you will do whats necessary to survive. I am sure you will get this all under control, let me know if there is anything you need...
Wow, wow. Wow, Deb, wise decision, have a great friend on you and hopefully we still can be friends. Will be missing that great looking tank you have created and the full variety of corals and colors you stocked there.
Life has priorities and every one has to step up when is need it.
man that sucks Deb. i hate to see you go, but when life throws you an insane hand you do what you have to do. i hope we still get to see you around the forums!
That's horrible. You know we all will be here for you if you need anything. Keep your chin up life has a way of working itself out.
I hate to hear that. It makes me wish I would have taken a couple of those wrasses. If I can help let me know, I am not too far away in Marietta. My qt is empty and I am ready for more fish...just gotta be compatible with 2 juvinile clowns

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Sorry to hear this as well, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Wow! Deb, I can only say that I'm sorry to read of your misfortunes and pray that it will all get better in short order! Just know that your reefing family will always be here to help wherever we can!
The oddest thing happened when I got home with the temp tank. I was making 50 gallons of water, unloading my car, ate I bite... heard an odd splashing noise but the tanks tight so I didn't bother to look.

An hour later I went to feed and all the Wrasse were out EXCEPT the Solon. I feed heavy and long, it still hasn't appeared! The pricy hiding Wrasse ate for the first time in two days.
I'm sure this was Gods hand giving me a break tonight. Going to bed now exhausted but feeling better knowing all the fish are OK :)

Thank you all for the kind words and positive inspiration.
I've never been one to give up or have a pity party when life troubles pound me. I won't start now so y'all know it'll be OK in time one way or another!
Again thanks, I love this club, you all and this hobby!
hey deb. idk if you have plans to get back in but it might not be a bad idea to make some frags of your favorite corals and give them to some of your friends that way if you ever do want back in you can get a few frags back for free and if not your friends end up with some nice coral. i did that when broke my 20 down (although it was supposed to just be a few months not 2 years lol) now i have a bunch of zoa frags, 4 acans, a clam and a plate that i dont have to pay for. just an idea. and my friend has some nice zoas and and acans that have spread into his tank because of it.
Deb I know where you stand. Last year I had to sell all my setups as my liver took a turn on me. Zoas and other high end coral were dieing in front of my eyes and I had no energy or faith to do anything. I had to pack up everything and sell it. When the buyer came to get the coral I was in tears bagging it up for him. It's like my hobby my happy life was slipping. On a side note family first and in my mind fish aren't food there family :) hope all is well if there's anything we can do hollar so many awesome people with a passion to help in the area. Head up
Thanks both of you.

I've actually been PMed that offer by an old reefer with a huge system and is exactly what I want to do :)


Aggression was back this morning!
God is Great!