Oxygenation on a BioCube? How is it done?


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Okay I've been in the hobby for almost 20 years but I've never use a BioCube. This is my first time. In my 120s and others I've had in the past the water was always oxygenated through the sump and the skimmer. However there is no waterfalls in the back of this BioCube to create oxygen. Do I need to add an air stone should I do something different please forgive me for my ignorance once again this is my first BioCube
The surface movement from a small powerhead in the tank plus the return, and the water moving around the baffles in the back, should be enough.
Also in addition to Skrappy’s comments, the Biocube’s filtration design promotes oxygenation. It incorporates a true surface skimmer unlike a lot of other all -in-one’s. Because water is pulled from the surface (50/50), it draws more water to the surface thus increasing the dissolved oxygen in the water and keeping scum/oils from accumulating (who prevents/limits the waters ability to absorb oxygen.
Thanks gor the reply.. just put a couple small clowns in there and I want to make sure they have plenty oxygen
I QT in a AIO cube, which has the same issues, since many meds deplete oxygen. Put a powerhead in the tank and aim at top. You want surface agitation.