Ozone - RovingBlue Ozo-pod-10


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Disclosure : Am a hobbyist and have no hidden interest in RovingBlue etc. This is purely for sharing with other hobbyists.

I found an interesting gizmo - https://www.rovingblue.com/products/ozo-pod-refurb that seems to be simpler than the traditional ozone generators and injection via skimmer.
Am currently running this for only 1/2 hr each day in the mornings. What is unique is that it is submersable and according to the pitch, directly generates dissolved ozone in water so, there is less generated ozone in the air. Use in saltwater aquarium hobby was a new thing for the company .. they were excited to see their product used in a new application and have been helpful in providing info.
There is some residual voltage leakage, however, the tank inhabitants seem to be none the wiser. Current leakage is in microamps.

I have no way to measure the dissolved oxygen/ozone or analyze the expected benefits of ozone breaking down the dissolved organics (toxins from corals due to chemical warfare etc.) yet ... any recommendations would be welcome/helpful. The gizmo does work in saltwater (nothing blew up and nothing got electrocuted). Still TBD on how the stainless steel housing stands up to the test of saltwater.
Cool idea.

Please let us know how it worked out for you?

You got the refurbished unit? New cost $179.

How big is your display? I’m sure that is going to be most important fact.
Cool idea.

Please let us know how it worked out for you?

You got the refurbished unit? New cost $179.

How big is your display? I’m sure that is going to be most important fact.
I bought the refurb unit as this is an experiment .. the refurbished unit did not look used at all ..

On the performance, I think the unit is producing more ozone than spec due to saltwater (vs freshwater) .. I left it on for an hour and I got the distinct smell of ozone. In fact, I probably need to add a voltage or current regulator to it ..

My tank is a 150 G and the sump has approx 30G water 1/2 full.