Packing up the Fishtank...


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How do I pack all of the critters? One per bag, I'm assuming. But, how do I get the condi off of the rock, and the xenia, mushrooms and zoas?

Or do I pack them with the rocks??

All advice appreciated.
Go to Lowes and get a couple of 5 gal buckets, sit them in the bottom so they don't roll around (they should be fine if they touch) put in enough ater to cover them and your good to go.
Quoting me from another thread:

1. Create a ton of extra RO/DI mixed salt water before hand and have it heated. At least 50% of the volume of the tank.

2. Get a garbage can or big container (rubbermaid is best since it won't have chemical dyes in it) for the live rock

3. Go to CostCo or Sams and buy a ton of double zip bags

4. Syphon about half the water into the garbage can or container

5. Bag the corals.

6. Move the live rock into the container and cover it

7. Bag the fish

8. If you are keeping the substrate and can move it with the aquarium do so but leave about an inch+ of water on top of it. If you can't move the substrate this way, throw as much as you need into a bucket with water from the tank over it.

9. Break everything down and move to the new location

10. Set everything back up and use the new water. It is a good idea to acclimate the fish and inverts at least a little before throwing them in.

11. I had some Amquel+ on hand in case the ammonia got out of control. For the next week or so keep plenty of mixed water on hand for quick water changes if necessary.

I did the above and didn't really lose anything.