painting my tank


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ok if im gonna paint the back of my tank black what kind of paint do i need to buy? normal spray paint or what? also im assuming i would paint the outside of the tank and not the inside right?
Glass or Acrylic? Is is running w/ livestock?

You might want to consider putting a black backing--poster board, etc.--on it rather than painting it.

I painted my QT tank--it was acrylic so I used spray paint formulated for plastic--but it was empty at the time. Fumes from spray paint can decimate a running tank....
Black/blue vinyl (contact paper) works quite well and can be removed if you change your mind or sell the tank.
Normal black spray paint on the outside of your tank is fine. Try to find a can with a fan style spray tip for better even coverage. the key is thin coats! you should be able to see through the first couple. let the paint dry for at least 30min in between to avoid runs. 4-5 thin coats should be all you need.
I Painted Mine With Krylon. Looks Great. Made My Tank Look A Lot
Deeper Than It Is, I Think Back Grounds Look To Fake
I bought interior paint from a guy at home depot he said he used it on his tank. The tank I'm painting doesn't even have water in it yet so I'm gonna paint let it chill for a few days and then begin the build
i used like 4 coats of regular house paint on the back looks great