Pantry Moths


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These things are a pain in the ***. If anyone wants some to feed to fish, I have a near endless supply even after bleaching our entire pantry and throwing everything out. Stop by and I will fill up a jar for you.
We threw out every box and put everything in zip locks. Then we put that is rubbermaid containers. Supposedly it takes 3 weeks for them to stop multiplying. I have seen them slow down, but we still get about a dozen a day. I may get a goldfish and start a little food experiment. With the way these things multiply, it sure would be cheap food.
Oh wow.....I feel for you. I had those several years ago. I tossed out so much food in our pantry...spices...everything! I think they call them miller moths? I had some that came in on some bird seed. Yes, put everything that is open (rice, flour) in plastic bags. Good luck!
One good way to stop them before they start is to ALWAYS place cornmeal and flour in the freezer when you bring them home from the store. They usually come into the house with these products. A 24 hour stay in the freezer will kill them and the eggs.