PAR readings


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I think we should start a PAR chart or at least a list of PAR readigs from peoples tanks....maybe it can have the bulb with intensity, K rating, ballast driving it and the reading at top of water, just below water, middle and bottom or your tank;and dont forget to state the depth of your tank. Too bad I dont remember the readings from my 150 Ushio HQI. I know the numbers will change with depth and age of bulbs, but it would be nice to have a glance at least I think....anyone with me? So who ever has that nifty PAR meter, from now on, post in here.
I think this is a really good idea. However lots of things affect par like, age of the bulbs, how clean and what type of reflectors they have, If they run carbon or ozone.
oh yeah of course, but with all that info, people can get a "general" idea of how bulbs will react....Like me, I'm going to be going up to 175 halides and I have no clue how the par ratings are, or at least the "general" par. If people can get a ballpark idea, that will only help their reefs thrive more.
You can find some good info here:

<span style="color: black;">I think this is a great idea. Sanjay's website has good information, but those reading are from a test environment and there&#8217;s not any information about readings a various depths. I found this link a while back and reviewed it several times while shopping around for lighting. </span>
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<span style="color: black;">If we can put something like this together on this site it would be beneficial.</span>
Tony and I hit my leds with it and it came out pretty good. I could throw those in the mix of lighting test subjects...though they change throughout the day to simute the suns patterns.
nice guys all great info. Let keep this one going, I'ld be interested to know what people are reading at their home tanks.
I tested my par on my 75 gallon with a SLS 6 T-5 retrofit with Icecap reflectors.

6 inches- 308
1/2 down- 209
sandbed- 171
Sprayin70;34791 wrote: I tested my par on my 75 gallon with a SLS 6 T-5 retrofit with Icecap reflectors.

6 inches- 308
1/2 down- 209
sandbed- 171

What's your bulb combination? All are 48", right? (I ask b/c I just switched over to T5's on my 72 bowfront.)