Parameters good except...


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Step 1...Ok, I am a bit mystified. About 4 weeks ago I purchased my first reef setup used and running but not maintained. It is a 24 gl aquapod all in one unit such as the Biocube, etc. It needed a major cleanup and since the lights were not on for some time, most of eveything in there died. I was left with live rock, live sand, a button pollup, blue legged hermit crab and a couple of Asterina stars. I emptied out about 2/3 - 3/4 of the original water and trans ported the tank home. When I arrived at my house I scraped the inside glass, and cleaned my chambers out. I also tossed around the sand. I scraped the backside of the tank free of all dead coraline algae and the dead algae. Once done I added new water. Overall, the big cleanup

Step 2....I waited for the mini cycle which sort of came but without the ammonia spike. I developed a horrible algae problem and decided since everything was within acceptable parameters, I would add the clean up crew...several hermit crabs, 2 emeralds and snails. The algae became worse and worse.
I decided to vacuum the sand...last hope and kill the lights for most of the day (left them on a short while just for the MR coral). Well this has worked and the algae is mostly gone.

Step 3....Bulbs just came in and replaced the old. 2 shrimp were added this weekend..doing great. Ammonia 0, NO2 0, NO3 15, Phosphate 0. <span style="color: darkorchid;">This is my mystifed part.</span> I cannot get my Nitrates below 15. I have done regular water changes using water from MF and to no remains at 15. My test kit works fine as I check other waters and it shows 0 for nitrates. I am using a poly filter and Puragen as well. Could this be a result of bioballs??

Any help would be appreciated...the setup is almost a month old now since I took it over.

Sounds like you are doing everything you can to control the nitrates. Are these the original bio-balls that came with the tank? If so I'd take 1/2 out and clean them and do the other 1/2 in a few weeks. Some poepl are not infavor of bio-balls but maintaned correctly they can be a great nitrate reducer. Keep on top of the water changes and you'll see a reduction soon.
My understanding was that bioballs didn't reduce nitrates at all? They're good for ammonia/nitrites though for certain. I might be wrong though! :)

Anyways, nitrates of 15 isn't bad at all imo. Especially in a new tank. I would advise that you just keep an eye on it and perhaps feed a lil less for the time being.

I feel ya, my old tank would not get under 20PPM nitrates no matter what I did. Even after getting enough live rock to slwly take out the bio balls, and swapping out the substrate. If it stays consistant at 15ppm then just leave it.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll keep a careful eye on it. These are new bioballs and I try to keep them clean. I'm doing another partial water change today as well. I guess I just want everything to be perfect!

Jin...glad to hear you got your dog back...sorry about the injury. Hope everything goes well with the little guy. Whenever you have a chance, I am ready to add those frags I PM'd you about a couple weeks ago. Let me know when it's a good time for you.

purigen. I could not get my nitrates below 20ish, added purigen to my filtration, now i'm in the 5ish range (still not 0, but much better)