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just tested all my stuff and now that my salinity is back to normal here is what I have:

Salinty - 1.023
Calcium - 450
Kh - 9.6
MAgnesium - 1420

Is all that ok or is my Kh too low given the high there a ratio I am supposed to know for that?

Every thing is good i just try do keep my kh at 12-15 but yours is perfectly fine. Is everything in the tank ok.
Usted es hijo fino. No es alcanzado a mirar para encontrar una meta con su KH, con el Calcio, y con la Mag. Mantenga apenas el material en el equilibrio. Un equilibrio es un KH de 8-12, un Calcio de 375-450 y una Mag de 1300-1500. Usted es todo en equilibrio de lo que puedo ver. ¿Qué corre su PH?
HAHAHA....almost Brandon....actally that was pretty good.....

ph - 8.2

I knew the suggested levels but I was wondering if there was a ratio....i.e - your calcium is at 400, kh should be this? or your calcium is at 450, kh should be this?
A simple answer is, no there are no ratios that say if your Cal is 420 your dKH will be 8.25 and your Mag will be 1400. There are more factors that go into it then can make it a simple ratio, ask Cameron, he almost learned that the hard way. That is why a number range is given in any text you read. Remember each individual system is different and as long as you are within a good range, do not try to hit a target number, it will cause more harm and headache then it is worth!
Cameron;62564 wrote: This is Americu... we speak Americun in these parts.

Just a question....

Are your going to leave your avatar and signature like that? Don't get me wrong, I like it but I can change it back for you if need be! :lol2:
Xyzpdq0121;62547 wrote: A simple answer is, no there are no ratios that say if your Cal is 420 your dKH will be 8.25 and your Mag will be 1400. There are more factors that go into it then can make it a simple ratio, ask Cameron, he almost learned that the hard way. That is why a number range is given in any text you read. Remember each individual system is different and as long as you are within a good range, do not try to hit a target number, it will cause more harm and headache then it is worth!

Well you do want to attempt to keep a 3:1 ratio with calcium to magnesium, right? The closer those numbers get to each other while a tank is on the high alkalinity side, the chance of a calcium precipitation increases. The 3:1 ratio is not a golden rule but it's a good one to follow.
Cameron;62573 wrote: I like it...
now your changing my posts... I think that isn't right either. I didn't say that.

Abuse of power... how long are we going to let his continue?

Please put back my original post be put back the way it was.
Brandon --> :bash: <--Tony

Everything looks in line Jorge... keep up the good work!
Personally I like my calcium above 500 as it makes testing real easy. Sucks trying to keep the dkh in line for some reason though. Mine is 600 last count, but man it is hard to nail down as most kits only go to 500. I think I peaked at well over 700 and no there wasn't snow. I haven't had to dose calc in my tank for two weeks, but fighting low pH has been a HUGE problem and I am affraid to move too quickly as I think the entire sand bed might calcify if I jack my dkh up too quickly.
<span style="color: black;">When I used Kent Marine salt and had a tank full of softies, my calcium stayed above 550. I could go weeks waiting for it to drop and it never did. I never experienced any precipitation issues in that tank either.</span>
yeah I have mostly softies in my tank and it genrally stays at around 440.....

If i go over a month without a water change (which I never do....;)..) then it starts to drop pretty quickly......
I always try to get the calcium and Alk to balance. "But rarely ever do. LOL" Then I try to get my Mag to equal 3 times calcium and that usually seems to allow things to grow well. Good luck

Here is a good link. It is a reef calculator that will help with balancing
I use that reef calculator all the time because i use Randy's hope that link never stops working.....