Parasites on Sail Fin Tang


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I have a Sail fin tang. He has small holes all over his body and fins. I thought it was Ick but have not had any luck treating for Ick. The best way to describe is the holes with something white in the middle of them. Something seems to be eating away at the skin. I have attached some very large photos so you can zoom in. Any help would be appreciated!
I thought I posted this once but Im not sure. I have a Sail Fin with holes and white spots that seem to be eating skin. If I posted this twice my apologies. Any help would be appreciated. Pics are attached...Can send more detailed pics via email if anyone has any ideas.


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ok he has ich and very bad as far as the other stuff could be hlle its because of malnutrition good luck with him try pming brandon screen name xyz123something like that he could help you out
Actually I have Fresh water dipped him about a week ago and have been treating him for Ick and nothing seems to be working.....tried Quick Cure, STOP, Paraguard.....
I guess what I am trying to figure out. Is whether or not this is Ich. It is causing pitting around the white spots which seem to be slightly raised on the skin. Additional photos attached I have very good high res photos if they will help. Thanks all for the feedback....
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Ok Brian, You got a few things that could be going on but one thing is for sure, you got a bad thing going on. Are there any other fish in the tank? Are the affected in any way? It is hard to tell exactly from a picture what you got... When you used the paragaurd, how did you use it (as a dip or for prolong use)? Regaurdless, he needs to come out of the main tank and go in a hospital tank for advance treatment. If you want, you can PM me your phone number and I can call you and run over a few things tonight or tomorrow.
Agreed! If thats the only fish infected pull him out. Need to setup a QT
I had a hippo get ich once treated with paraguard also for 4 weeks. Lots of water changes and patience later he survived.
Dude you have ecto-parasitic flukes... ;)

If the formalin does not work, we will try interceptor, flatworm exit, or a vet RX de-wormer. But lets give the formalin a chance to work. I need to do a bit more research but the top minds agree that a good course of action might be just running everything in hypo and running the whole tank in hypo for about 6 weeks. If in the first three weeks of hypo, if hypo does not work then you can try some medications. Hypo should be safe for the eel. Feed with high amino acids to give the fish healing ability.
I am in for hypo as well. If this is a parasite infection which it appears to be, they likely won't survive an extended hypo.
In the Formulin Bath as I type. Seems to be doing OK. He is a tough fish to catch so may have caused him more stress......Lets hope not.
The second last picture looks like it is Black ich... Tang turbellarian... unfortunaltly some forms are resistant to formalin treatment, your only other option is hyposalinity as others mentioned... The good news is it is not as bad as ich, the bad news is yours has been battling this for a while.... Hope it works out...