pay it forward frags


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I know someone else in this group has offered frags with a commitment from the receiver to pass them on as they grew. Well I have frags and I mean good sized frags that I want/need to get into other reefers tanks and being a person who has a problem with growing out frags just to sell I would like to challenge someone or ones to take the frags I have and pass them on to others as they grow in their tanks.
I have large pieces of blue tip acro, green plating and orange plating montis, pink birdsnest, toadstool leather, green paly, duncan, frogspawn, molted brown play and there may be a couple other pieces I'm not thinking of at this time.
I will post some pics this week when I get a chance but have my hands full right now taking care of a wife who just had knee replacement surgery.
Again I am giving these very healthy, large frags away the only thing I ask is you do the same when they get to the point that your fragging them out that you don't sell them. We are hobbiest not lfs retailers. Leave the retailing to those of us who decided to make it their profession and pass along favorite pieces to others in the hobby if for nothing else but to have your DNA out there just in case you have a tank catastrophy. PM me if you are interested in anything I listed. I have several pieces of blue tip nearly as large as my hand.
I would be interested in some, as I just upgraded and have 10 small frags from my LFS and a swap from someone in HH, I am a big fan of trades and heirlooms. Only problem is my location. I do hope they go to someone who needs/deserves them!
I would be interested in pieces of everything listed but I would think you would want to spread it around, so if you have a few pieces to set aside I would be grateful.
I had a heater fail and lost almost all of my sps and a lot of my lps as well as all of my fish. Horrible day!
Trying to slowly restock now that I have tank back healthy.

Wow, that is really a neat mind set you have there. :) I am very new to this and would love to take you up on it. I will PM you.

Edit: Joining in the spirit of this thread, if someone needs a two lamp T5HO 36" fixture in order to get better lighting for the frags they get here, I have one I was going to try to sell. It was used for just over 2 months. Instead of selling it, I would be happy to give it to a good home to help someone get their reef going good.
T5 fixture has been promised to Hammcd. :) Best part is I got my asking price. $0.00. LOL
Have received a few pm's and have 1 person coming by this evening to pick up some pieces for his fairly new tank. Actually got the response from people I was hoping would be responding, mostly new to hobby or beggining a new tank. I will be out of town next week so those of you who contacted me and we haven't made arrangements to get together by Friday afternoon just hang in there we will get together the first week of November. I may have some pieces left after I get with the responders, if so I will post what I have left
a very large thank you to those of you who have responded to my "pay it forward" challenge. I was able to meet up with one of my fellow reefers this evening and give him several frags that should get him a great start with his 45 gallon build.
And I hope to be able to meet up with a couple more people tomorrow or friday and get some coral in their tanks as well. There are a couple of you that I won't be able to get with before saturday but we will get together when I get back from my dive trip to the cayman islands. If you don't hear from me shortly after holloween please don't hesitate sending me a PM.
Rich it was great meeting you and enjoyed the conversation swapping stories about the trials and tribulations of the electrical contracting business. I believe there are a few more coral pieces that were calling your name this evening so give the frags you picked up this evening a couple weeks to acclimate and give me a call.
I've just started cycling my 265 gallon tank. Since I'm new to this hobby, I thought I might as well start small. :eek:

My wife still hasn't fully bought into this so I'm really focusing on very colorful corals (LPS at this point) with high aesthetic appeal (looks flowery). Let me know if you have any those you wish to part with.

Bill, it was great to meet you last night and have a nice long visit. It is amazing how I careers have crossed paths so many times over the years yet we finally meet because of a passion for this hobby. The frags you gave me look great in my tank. :) I will deffinately take you up on the ones that were "Calling my name" in a few weeks.

Again, thank you so much. What a nice thing you are doing. Hope you have a tremendous time on your excursion and don't forget, I expect pictures!!!!


First I wanted to again say thank you for the frags. That was a very nice thing to do. I also wanted to show you how all of them are doing in my tank. Oh, and I am wondering where all the pics are of your dive trip. :)
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