Paypal ARC Dues Subscriptions Created Prior to October 1, 2018

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Paypal ARC Dues Subscriptions Created Prior to October 1, 2018

ARC supporting members, if you have paid your annual dues or set up an ARC dues subscription via PayPal on or after October 1st, 2018, you do not need to take any action. This announcement affects only PayPal subscription payments that were created before October 1st, 2018 and will require those affected users to set up a new PayPal subscription once their current membership expires. All PayPal subscriptions created since October 1st, 2018 are automatically communicating properly with the ARC website.

For those members affected by this change, you will receive a notice from PayPal that your "Subscription has been cancelled” within the next one to two weeks. This is only the ARC dues subscription payment, not your ARC membership! Also, if you set up your subscription before October 1st, 2018 and paid your dues recently, you're still good for one year from the date of the current payment. When your subscription expires, you must go to PayPal and setup a new subscription or payment at that time. Once again, we are cancelling the old PayPal subscription and not your ARC membership.

Background information:

A few years ago the ARC website was moved to Xenforo which has been very beneficial to the Club and it's members. However, old PayPal subscriptions prior to October 1st, 2018 cannot communicate with Xenforo. Basically, right now we have two different PayPal "links" behind the scenes. We've been trying to slowly move everyone over but it required a lot of effort on our Treasurer, our own @Adam, who had to individually cancel the old PayPal subscription, notify the member, and get them to set up the new payment. This has been one of the 'behind-the-scenes' items on our list to accomplish this year. Making this change will give us and future BoD's one less thing to manage. A lot of long time members have already been taken care of, (Thank you!) but we need to move forward with cancelling all of the other old PayPal dues subscriptions to complete the transition to the new PayPal link. If you have any questions please reach out. Again, if you don't receive a notice from PayPal within the next one to two weeks, there is no need to take any action.
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