PB clams and purigen w/ new carbon


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ok so I dont know if this is a total coincidence or if its helping, but I thought I'ld post and you can make your own decision. Obviously if you have been following the clam power buy thread you would know a number of clams have died and are getting other clams in the same tank with them sick as well. I lost the PB clam a week ago, I lost my second clam, non related to the PB and had in my tank for over a year and a half. The third clam just about a year and a half old was showing signs of stress...mantel not out very far, closed up durring day and occasional gaping. Yesterday I went to petsmart and picked up some purigen cuz my tank looked a lil crappy after the deaths and water changes only seemed to help a little. Along with adding the purigen I did replace my carbon but when I came in this morning my clam was and still is open very nice! Now I have no clue if the addition of purigen and new carbon had anything to do with this clam looking better or if this clam was indeed sick. I'm simply pointing out the fact that it looks a lot better. Now my question is do the people who have "sick" looking clams that quite possibly have been effected by the PB clams run purigen? I know its not a medicine by any means, but if its sole purpose is to help remove impurities, maybe this is helping the clams regain strength??? I guess try it and see what happens, you can get purigen price matched at petsmart for 6.25 or find it at any lfs. I say if it helps cool, if not, well its still going to clean up your water very nice :)
to my knowledge pretty much everyone for the exception of a few lost their clams, but whoever has any clams left that might be sick looking, give this a try and see what happens...like I said the worst thing that could happen is the purigen makes your water cleaner than befor.....yeah I know thats not a bad thing but there are no bad things that could happen from this.
I lost my PB clam as well and since then I lost two more small ones. One of which I had for about 5 months.
There are definately a lot less clams at CBA as well. I don't know if that has anything at all to do with that, but its something my wife and I noticed recently... Has anyone asked them as to what the cause might be and what treatments can be done? If anyone knew how to save the clams I'm sure they would.
thats good to hear david, hopefully those lil extra additions to the filtration will help save the remaining clams. You'll have to keep me informed :)
I bought my clam from the same shipment 4 or 5 days prior to the PB. My clam is healthy and happy. I do run carbon and skim pretty hard. I am sorry to hear about all the loses.
After all the clam, ich, red bugs and other nastiness going around, I stepped up to a big UV, fresh carbon, new GFO, a polyfilter and some purigen. I started running all that stuff and it has really cleaned up my water. I had a pretty clean tank, but now it is looking really nice and the clams/fish don't seem to be complaining.
yeah man that purigen stuff is amazing! I dont know why I didnt get any that night at the meeting up at poseidons....oh well, got it now tho and man does my water look great! Actually doesnt even look like there is water in the tank, I swear I would think it was empty if I didnt have the caustics from the halide.
mine were non-responsive to light changes, mantle was not extending and was very dark in color. Inside the insyphon the flesh looked completely pale and rotting. Was not attached, bysal threads were dangling around, foot was loose and almost drawn into shell. No signs of any type of snails, not to mention I have a 6 line so he'ld pick them off if there were any.
Same symptoms. As of last night, I've lost my big crocea and this morning, another crocea is looking dead.

Total from this plague, I've lost 2 derasa, 1 maxima, and 4 croceas. I have 1 PB crocea still alive and responsive.

Pisses me off, but this is the sort of thing that can happen in a closed system and is probably made worse the smaller the system.
glxtrix;35783 wrote: mine were non-responsive to light changes, mantle was not extending and was very dark in color. Inside the insyphon the flesh looked completely pale and rotting. Was not attached, bysal threads were dangling around, foot was loose and almost drawn into shell. No signs of any type of snails, not to mention I have a 6 line so he'ld pick them off if there were any.

What do you mean by "pale and rotting"? Underneath the incurrent siphon are the gills, which are normally very white and "flaky". How about the foot- what were you seeing? The byssal threads actually will detach from the clam when disturbed, and the actual "foot" is rarely seen extending from the clam. It is usually only seen under the cover of darkness, when the calm is trying to reposition itself.

Unfortunately, sixlines can help to limit a pyramidal snail outbreak, but the cant cure that problm. If a clam has pyramidals, the best (and only real proven solution is to manually brush them off twice a day. Labor intensive for sure.

At any rate, I have ever heard of an organ dissolving pathogen exclusive to clams. Perhaps these clams were subject to massive ammonia or similar in shipping, but that is just a rampant speculation.

So, the mantle wasn't curling upwrads and in at all? The reason I ask, is that people have mentioned that freshwater dips, and running heavy carbon and purigen have really helped treat pinched mantle disease, so I'm trying to do a little backwards math.

By the way, Barry at Clams Direct is collecting donations for a research of Pinched Mantle Disease- which is totally mysterious to science. Everyone, including the Atlanta Reef Club, should visit his site and donate. Especially if you care about clams.
Well put Panda....

To everyone who is interested: Check out the thread: