PE mysis...


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Just curious if anyone else has had a negative SPS experience after feeding PE mysis.

One of my prized blueberry millies and a pink millie with blue tips have some recession at the tips. This coincided with me switching to pe mysis. I couldn't figure out what was going on with these corals, and I just happened to decide to feed the tank brine the past 3 days. Low and behold the tips started to regain their color... I decided to feed the LPS some PE mysis tonight. After feeding them I noticed that the tips of these two millies were once again receding very rapidly. There was mucous clouds hanging off their tips.

Has anyone else had some sort of SPS die off or damage after soon switching to PE mysis? Granted all of my other SPS look just fine and are growing rapidly.
None here. I haven't recently switched to PE Mysis, however, I have been using it for several years. I don't know if that makes a difference...
I haven't had any problems with PE as well, but I have been using it for a while as well. I have started rinsing it lately after reading a few posts on RC and an article in Coral Magazine sold me on the benefits.

Gin, some shrimps have been known to eat SPS. I caught a couple of them attacking one of my beautiful lightly tanned brown/green milli along with other SPS corals-Cleaner Shrimps like to do this especially.
ouling;132991 wrote: Gin, some shrimps have been known to eat SPS. I caught a couple of them attacking one of my beautiful lightly tanned brown/green milli along with other SPS corals-Cleaner Shrimps like to do this especially.

:huh: PE Mysis shrimp are of the frozen variety.
I've noticed a little recession lately and slime. I'll stop feeding PE and see if things improve. Interesting
LOL. Sorry, I thought we're talking about a special breed of live mysis.
I have noticed when I feed PE many of my Acros throw out their fillaments, but I've always taken this to be a feeding response rather than something negative. They also do it sometimes if I disturb the sandbed.

I have never had the experience of tissue recession coincide with feeding PE mysis, though. You may want to toss that batch and try a new batch--it could be contamination. I bet they would even replace the flat for you if you convinced them there was a connection.

BTW, it's time for you to come back down to Macon and take some pictures--my tank is really starting to take off!
I think you're right. Perhaps I just have a bad batch... perhaps it was just coincidence... perhaps I'm getting just a lil CRAZY in my old age.

I will contact them and see what they say. The fish love the stuff and I'd hate to have to take their favorite item off the menu.

pm sent!
The stuff really is great in my opinion. I actually started adding it to my pappone recipe, too--the protein content is so high I figured it would be a good addition. So far, so good...
I've been using PE Mysis for the past 7 months of my tank and have seen no ill side effects.

Oddly enough my blue tort decided to bite it right after feeding it. Don't think that was the reason, but since I have no conclusive proof it might be.
Schwaggs;132917 wrote: None here. I haven't recently switched to PE Mysis, however, I have been using it for several years. I don't know if that makes a difference...

Same here. In fact I feed this at least 50%. I ahve done it in 3 almost exclusively SPS tanks so I would thik it is something other then the mysis that's your issue!
I'm under the impression that it was probably coincidence.

Everything looks great now. All my parameters were in check... but truth be told I was overdue for my quarterly water change and something I wasn't measuring was lacking. As of now, the tips on that particular coral have completely filled in again and its growth is taking off.

There is no doubt that the tips on that coral had increased mucous production after feeding the PE, but I'm sure there was nothing sinister about it.