Peacock breeding.


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So someone came over today and pointed out to me that my OB peacock cichlid is holding fry in its mouth. Ive looked in its mouth and seen a little flurry in there. So im thinking its the fry..i could be wrong maybe just the eggs. anyways i seperated the female into a breeding box in the tank. any suggestions?
once momma spits the fry, keep a close eye on her.
some mommas are natural, my red zebra females are half and half.

one of my experienced mommas will hold and spit, then at any sign of danger will gather the fry into her mouth for protection
one of my old crabby mommas will gather the fry for lunch, miserable old git.

so watch momma and make sure she's being good. you'll needa fry tank with a sponge filter for the bubbas if you want them. Provide a lot of cover like rocks that sit on top of the gravel and dense plastic plants for the babies.
after a week, momma should be ready to rejoin the community. you must feed her and allow her to recover before she goes back. if she DOES eat the fry, just chuck her in a tupperware container for a day and then back home.

i have 96 fry at the moment out of an initial 98 spit 6 weeks ago. it can work REALLY well if you keep your eyes peeled :)
and YAY for babies !!!
thanks sarahh. momma ended up spitting out 27 babies and i havent counted in the past few days but im pretty sure theyre all still there.
still have all the babies from this batch. i have another batch on the way. jacobfreibergi x OB peacock. jacob. is the father