Pellet food.


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I know this may be a super noob question but oh well. How do you all feed pellet food to your tank. Out of all the food I own I feed pellets the least because they always go unnoticed by my fishes and end up sucked up by my overflow or end up lost within the rocks. None of my fish seem interested in the larger pellets either. So... How do you all go about feeding pellet food? Just curious.
I use the Ocean Nutrition sinking pellets. They have garlic in them and my fish love them!
How much pellet food do you feed at a time? I need my pellets to stay suspended in the water column longer for my fish to notice them. Otherwise they end up on the surface before being sucked up by overflow or they sink to the bottom and become property of my CUC. I have no bottom feeders.

Should I chuck a decent amount in so everyone get their share or hold them individually at the surface until they begin to sink?

Or I can just stick with refrigerated, frozen and flake food.
I feed about 3/4 tablespoon of small pellets, around 15 large pellets for my large fish on the first day, flakes on the next day and frozen on the third day, then start the cycle all over.
I like the small pellets and add a little garlic guard and then pour 1/2 tsp in flow in front of power head. Then watch and see if they eat all and add a little more if needed.