PENDING Species ID forum


Contest Committee Lead
Contest Committee
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Under the sea
I would like to see a dedicated place for people to post species identification requests.

While most fish, corals, and other inverts are quite common in this hobby; there are occasional ones that pop up and can take a long time for the right person to come along and help identify. As such, it could be useful to beginners and experts. (Plus, I have a few photos of ultra rares that I’ve ID’d previously but then lost the information and want to re-ID)
I second this. I'm not an admin but I sure know who is! @lmm1967 @anit77

I don't know what the protocol is for starting a new forum page but maybe we could kick one off in "Reef Discussion" and pin it to the top?
I'm not against adding nodes/forums like this. I've even thought that separating the sales forum might be a good idea. I don't know the who, where, what, why, when and how it was combined in the past but there used to be individual forums for dry goods & livestock. We'll see it the rest of the board agrees at the next meeting.
I'm not against adding nodes/forums like this. I've even thought that separating the sales forum might be a good idea. I don't know the who, where, what, why, when and how it was combined in the past but there used to be individual forums for dry goods & livestock. We'll see it the rest of the board agrees at the next meeting.

Since you brought it up, I'm curious if anyone else has a specific sub-forum they'd like to see. Here's what we're talking about so far:
  • Species ID Forum
  • Separate Drygoods and Livestock in to their own individual forums.
My only suggestion would be a "Nuisance and Pest" type forum where folks could post pic of critters or algae for others to take a look at. It seems like the ARC Community is growing and as the post count increases, questions get pushed off the first page a lot quicker.
I also like the idea of a Nuisance and Pest page; but tried to keep the suggestion general with Species ID. Such a page could include beginner submissions that are uncertain if a critter is good or bad.

There are also some species that fall into the uncertain category between pet and pest. Such an example would be the group of Asterina stars; which many people love, and many other people dislike.

That said; I’m not opposed to creating separate forums for Species ID... nor for splitting Dry Goods and Livestock