PENDING Subforums


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It’s there a chance that we could separate Livestock from Drygoods and make a subforum?
More likely due to the situation now is flooded with guys and gals selling home made frags, which is good, because of prices, and I’ve got to mention I’m a member to member coral purchases most of the time, but honestly, that area is very competitive now for everyone to boost their thread and make sales, plus that with everyone allowed (supporters and non supporting members) to sale it has increased the traffic and we knew it it was going to be traffic increase.
I’d highly suggest separate the forum to alíviate the situation, one it could be for livestock only and the other for drygoods only.
I don’t know I’m the only one noticing this.
I don't really look at that particular forum much but I'll keep tabs on it now...

We could absolutely separate them out. We're also looking into starting a new type of member called partner members. These guys are between a supporting member and a sponsor. As you know there are a lot of folks that are doing this to make money, which is fine with me. We just want to help facilitate that and not drive them away as has happened in the past by forcing them to become sponsors. Instead, they simply pay an additional nominal fee and they get their own forum to hark their goodies. That in itself might alleviate a bunch of the traffic you're seeing as I do want drygoods/livestock to be for regular members that aren't in this as a business quite yet... although that's the trend we're seeing so we're going to embrace it.
Thank you Mr. President. :)

I agree. It has become to one point that I can see more people selling corals in huge amount, again, I’m not against it, competitive in prices, variety, quality and all. My only concern is that it doesn’t mix well as you already noticed.
Also, the people who’s selling drygoods get in the other side of the street while the single forum for sale is cramped. Anyway. Thanks for looking out for a solution!!!
I still insist 😥
There should be a sub forum divided for “Drygoods” and another for “Livestock & Group Buys”
The offers on livestock are high, always, replying and posting on those same post are fast, no seller waste time being quick and reply, same for buyers. It does put back sales (like mine and a lot others) back behind in the list before any possible buyer (yes, I have also been a snatch-compulsive-good deal-catcher equipment buyer too, 80% of my equipment comes from another member here) can’t see the For Sale top list thus members with no livestock (for now, like me 😒) can’t have a chance to sale items, yes, I agree there’s more than one page on forum where anyone can search, but honestly, some sellers don’t play with the rules and bump more frequently.
Thanks for following up and I apologize if it sounded as a complaint
No worries. This is something we have already talked about, as well as alternative solutions. But generally, we agree that simply splitting it into livestock and drygoods makes the most sense. Nothing is official yet; as we still have conversations on the topic... but we hear you.

I haven’t read the Xenforo manual yet, as this winter/spring has been very busy at work. But after we have another discussion on it, and I’m able to read the manual through and through, this will hopefully be implemented soon.