Peppermint shrimp review


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Picked up some peppermint shrimp from Rit (Atlanta Aquarium) last night.

I was worried about buying peppermints as a solution to my aipatsia problem because I have heard that it has to be a certain species.

Just wanted to confirm.. That these guys DESTROY aiptasia, and they don't take their time getting at it either! I set up a ten gallon tank for the little buggers (I'm about to go through an upgrade and be moving livestock into holding tanks) and dropped a small rock with 10 or so aiptasia on it in.

Within 5 seconds they were attacking the aiptasia, and have been scavenging the rock for food ever since.

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That was my experience as well, but it totally depends on the temperament of the individuals.
Always ate my aptasia. Unfortunately they started eating my long tentacle anemone as soon as I added to the tank. They weren't just cleaning it either, they were ripping apart the tips and I could see the bodily fluids leaking out the anemone.
McPhock;913685 wrote: That was my experience as well, but it totally depends on the temperament of the individuals.

I have heard that there are 2 varieties (maybe or maybe not the same species) from two different regions. In one region the peppermint shrimp feed on aiptasia anemones, in the other they do not. According to a family friend I was just speaking with one variety must be trained to eat aiptasia, the other will naturally.

Maybe I got lucky, but I told you guys where to get the good ones. I got 10 and it was totally worth it.

outdrsyguy1;913688 wrote: Always ate my aptasia. Unfortunately they started eating my long tentacle anemone as soon as I added to the tank. They weren't just cleaning it either, they were ripping apart the tips and I could see the bodily fluids leaking out the anemone.

That sucks
Yes one peppermint per gallon might be overkill lol but i think they are awesome
The only other thing I ever saw them bother was Yellow Star Polyps (Parazoanthus sp.)... and they rather resemble Aiptasia. It was a small price to pay to get rid of the Aiptasia.

In my observation they tend to be more bold in groups. In groups they'll even clean like cleaner shrimp do (on fish, or your hands in the tank). One will be shy, and might venture out to investigate your hand. Two will be cautious until one goes for it, then the other will follow. When there's a bunch, they do it more quickly and they all pile on. I guess they know there's safety in numbers.

The good thing about them too, is that they are able to dig into a hole and get ALL the tissue with their little claws.

Good to hear. Good idea of setting up a small tank to put your rock in. You can add some to the display, however, they will attack any coral you feed. They will steal the food. In some cases they will pester the crap out of a coral. I had a pair take out an orange plate. They were banished to the sump. I even fed the buggers to see if they would leave things alone.
I am Aptasia free though, and have been for quite some time.

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I suppose we can agree that the benefit of the berghias over the peppermint shrimp is that the berghias will ONLY feed on aiptasia. But my peppermint nano is going to be awesome :)
Every time I add peppermint shrimp by engineering goby eats them. If love to get rid of him but I can't catch him. 12-14"