permanent filter media


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Ok, I have a couple of Aqua Clear pre filters that attach to their powerheads and becuase of the way they look (big and bulky) I'd rather not have them in a place of the tank that they are very visible....of course the drawback to that is that it makes it very difficult to change the filter pads inside because I have to hide these things behind the rocks.

So, instead of filter pads I was wondering if there was any coarse media that I could place in the cartridge and never ever have to change. It has to be coarse because the holes are kinda big. I know in my FW days I used to use Seachem Matrix but not sure what that does in SW.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

Jorge, I double checked to make sure, but yes, I'm running Seachem Matrix in my Magnum Power filter and have been for the last 6 to 8 weeks. It seems to do an adaquate job, although I've never left a filter media in my canister that long without changing it (any day now I'm going to break down that tank, I've said that for two months now). When I do clean out the canister, I'll let you know how dirty the Matrix got, so you'll know if its a semi-permanant solution for you...
thanks dakota....according to seachem it never has to b e replaced but it should be rinsed every few month depending on water quality.....

also they say that you should swich some old one out with some new every six months to provide new growth places for beneficial bacteria.

if that's all it takes I can handle that and wouldn't mind putting some n the tank...however, it sounds like Matrix is in essence a suped up bio ball....and i always thought bio balls were bad for SW.
I've not had any issues with it as yet. I bought a large enough container of Matrix as to only use half the container at a time in my canister. The plan was/is to change out the old with the new occasionally, and then to wash/dry/store the used Matrix to use again when next I switch out the media. I'm just woefully behind on maintaince!
Matrix is what popped into my head before I even finished reading your post. You don't have to replace Matrix. Explain to me how surface area goes bad. Matrix is macro and micro porous, making it a good aerobic and to a lesser extent, anaerobic filter.
I don't think the Matrix will "go bad", but I do think it will clog with debris and dirt because of the manor I'm using it.
I'm switching from a canister to a sump soon. How BEST could I implement the Matrix into my sump system?
If you're going that route, pond matrix instead of bioballs. They're much larger peices.
I'm too cheap to go out and buy new Matrix. I have a baffle compartment in my sump that has an eggrate platform. Perhaps I'll lay fiberglass screen over the eggcrate and use all the Matrix I have to cover that. It would be after the water is skimmed, but before the Mag 5 compartment. Just working from memory, the Matrix replaces carbon (correct?) so I'd not need a carbon compartment in the sump.
I use it like i use carbon. put it in are area or canister where you you can put floss media before it. put it in a mannor that the water runs through it. Sumps are very differrent from one to another so ...

If I put it in a canister ( Not magunum type) or a sump i try to put floss first, carbon second, matrix 3rd, Phosphate media fourth if needed. You can build the sump to accomadate this.
Yeah, im talking about Bio Matrix, I put some type of mechanical media before it.
I also prefer the Pond Matrix.

FWIW i have a LOT of extra Pond Matrix if you need some PM me.