Permanent sand storm????


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Over the weekend I fell in love with a sandsifting goby who's now named Sandchez... the fishstore peeps kept calling him a dragon goby, which he obviously isn't (i'm thinking sleeper/banded goby?) in any regards, he's now lives in my 125 which has been incredibly cloudy since he moved in. My question is, will the sandstorm subside once he sifts through the sandbed a few times (which is dirty/dusty since I have no other sand-sifting creatures in the tank) or should I just get used to seeing a hazy tank....
Will increasing circulation or adding filtration help the situation?
Thanks in advance for any input!
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I just got a sand sifting goby a week ago as well. Once he dug his burrow he quieted down. One week in he still tosses sand every now and again but it hasn't been like that first day since.

That is indeed a type of sleeper goby commonly called a dragon sleeper goby. Eventually your sand will settle down hopefully... :). Hard to say though it depends on how small your particulate matter is and also how "dirty" the sand is. If you have southdown type sand, you're in for many moons of hazy tanks.

I have Southdown from HD and my sand settled after a few hours.

Ahh all southdown is not created equal then, the one I'm most familiar with is almost powder like. Did you get it at a local HD?
That's the sand I have. It's very fine. but it's been in my tank a few years. I actually brought it in a bucket from NJ when I moved. It may be weighted down by all the other stuff that's in the sand bed.

I wasn't aware that HD in the Southeast carried Southdown/New Castle. Do they still carry it? I know of someone that drove up to NJ and bought a pallet from the local HD to take back to SC and sell to reefers there.

he's just getting started, they love to dig

there are two dragon gobies, there's a long purple ugly looking brackish fish also called a dragon goby, Gobioides broussoneti

what you have is probably a Amblygobius phalaena