PH Crashing!


Well-Known Member
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Cumming, Ga
Over the past three weeks I've watched my pH go from 8.12 to today's reading of <span style="color: black;">7.19</span>.

Below are the parameters and details of the tank. I did a 15% water change this morning and changed media in the GFO and carbon reactors.

1) Rock: 50 lbs of live rock from an established tank and 100 lbs of Marco rock cycled in Brute tanks for six weeks.

2) Tank: 90g rr with 30g sump (including refugium). 80 lbs aragonite sand and 20 lbs GARF Grunge.

3) Equipment: MSX-160 skimmer, Dual GFO/Carbon reactors, 2 - 250x MH, 2 - VHO acintics, heaters, 2 - Korilia 4 PH, AquaController Jr. (Ca reactor and CO2 not hooked up.)

4) Water

<li>RO/DI: TDS = 0.0</li>
<li>Salt: Instant Ocean</li>
<li>Params of new salt water mixed for 24 hours:
  • </li>
    <li>SG: 1.023</li>
    <li>PH: 8.06</li>
    <li>KH: 10.9</li>
  • Tank conditions:
    <li>SG: 1.023</li>
    <li>PH: 7.19</li>
    <li>Temp: 79.8</li>
    <li>NH4 = 0</li>
    <li>NO3 = 0</li>
    <li>NO2 = .25</li>
    <li>Ca = 300</li>
    <li>KH = 8.0</li>
  • Livestock:
    <li>2 - False Percs</li>
    <li>1 - Powder Brown Tang</li>
    <li>1 - Royal Gamma</li>
    <li>1 - Watchman Goby</li>
    <li>1 - Six Line Wrasse</li>
    <li>1 - Bubble Tip Anemone</li>
    <li>4 - Peppermint Shrimp</li>
    <li>1 - Coral Banded Shrimp</li>
    <li>2 - Emerald Crabs</li>
    <li>Hermits and Snails</li>
  • Worth noting:
    <li>2 Cardinals MIA presumed dead, but no corpus delicti.</li>
    <li>Outbreak of golden brown algea earlier this week. CUC and reduced lighting seems to be overcoming the issue.</li>
    <li>Salifert test kits</li>
    <li>Refractometer for SG</li>
    <li>AquaController Jr. with clinical pH probe. (two months old). Calibrated three times in the past week using Milwaukee 7.1 & 10.1 calibration fluid.</li>
    <li>Due to the live rock curing for six weeks the tank did not produce high NH4, NO3, or NO2 results. First livestock introduced after tank was running one week. Water quality verified by LFS.</li>
Any thoughts appreciated!
Thought about that.... less light... less photosynthesis... lower pH. However, I just started reducing the MH in the past three days but the pH has been decreasing for two weeks.

Good idea through... I'll let the GFO and CUC take care of the algae and I'll boost up the lighting.
I won't take that bet! I have a new Milwaukee pH meter for my Ca Reactor/CO2 set-up that hasn't been powered up yet. I'll hook it up later today and see what I read. Only thing common then will be the calibration fluid.

Oh... and the tank was never dark. I just cut back to one 250w MH with the 2 - VHO acintics running.
xenia can live in dumpster water....what does xenia tell you? Not lashing out just wanting to know and what kind of xenia do you have?
No corals... but I have partially found the problem.

The AC Jr. is connected to my PC via a serial port. I unplugged the cable to the PC and the ph jumped to 7.75. After recalibrating with the cable unplugged I now read 7.90... still a tad low... but not really bad.

I'll hook up the other pH meter sometime this weekend and compare the two.

And BTW... opening the window is not a bad idea. I have the CO2 tank sitting next to the refugium. It;s not connected to anything but I did check it for leaks. I may open a window and let some air exchange in the room.

Thanks for all the input.

If my xenia stopped pulsing my sps would already be dead. I think i have bread a super xenia that can really survive in some crappy water.