Ph drop Over Night


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East Cobb
I have seen a lot of people go to great lengths to keep their Ph up after lights out, how necessary is this? Mine comes down to 7.9-.95 or so. Should I be taking steps to keep it over 8?
If your after coral growth as your main focus, then yes, 8.05-8.10 should be your target low. For everything else there is nothing wrong with your numbers.
There's no need to battle. You can have a beautiful tank without worrying too much about pH.

The simplest way to do anything is to run an outside air line to your skimmer. Virtually all pH issues are from the co2 in the house, not by what is created by the life in the tank. Sometimes that's all that's needed.

As support, I have a rainforest in my place, and my pH was usually up around 8.15 (+/- 0.1). Then we bought a new house and i moved half my plants already, and i saw my pH drop to 8.05 (+/- 0.1) over just a couple days.
Yeah, if coral is happy. Do not chase!!! If anything do everything slo..wly..... sometime you will just make things worse lol can I see pics of tank? I love pictures lol

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Yeah, if coral is happy. Do not chase!!! If anything do everything slo..wly..... sometime you will just make things worse lol can I see pics of tank? I love pictures lol

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Pics of my tank? I'll try to shoot a few, don't have any yellow or orange filters though
This may sound wierd but i have had incredible ph almost to top levels 8.4 to 8.5. But i have a 3 point drop in ph at night even with a refugium. I tried to solve this via co2 scrubber at night only to reveal a .2 increase so i scrubbed that... i finally ran my skimmer line outside to find that my max ph decreased slightly and my lowest ph almost stayed the same. You can see my ph decrease slightly in this chart thats when i ran the skimmer outsideScreenshot_20210712-195610_APEX Fusion.jpg
I don't think mine is bad, only had the Apex running a few days but its pretty predictable - it peaks during the evening at about 8.10. After the lights dim it starts dropping and bottoms out about 7.95. It stays there until the lights come back on the starts its march back up. Takes all day though.
I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get a skimmer line outside.
I have an alarm set to alert me if my pH gets to 7.8. For some reason it does every once in a while and it's never been an issue so I'd say you're fine. Typically mine drops to around 7.9 every night. That being said, the high is only 8.2 so the swing isn't too crazy.* Running an airline outside will help but so will dosing Alk product at night. That will bump the pH up a bit and help keep the bottom a little bit higher.

*When I calibrated my Apex pH probe, it was cold and I did not bring the calibration solutions up to tank temp. I need to re-calibrate but the range has been consistent and that's what I'm going for.
Instead of running a line to the skimmer, I tried opening a window and leaving it for a weekend while we were out of town. PH did not change from the normal pattern 7.7 to maybe 8.0 during the day, so I put in a scrubber on the airline to the skimmer. Now I get 8.1 to 8.4. I don't have the data to really say if that improved the growth, but by all accounts, it should have a very significant effect. I'm really only skimming to bring the PH up because my fuge keeps nutrients in check (maybe too much). I rarely empty the skimmer cup. Scrubber media last me a couple months before I need to swap it out, so I haven't even gone through the effort to recirculate the skimmer air. I'd say adding the scubber was one of the easier and likely more positively impactful things I've done.